Payment Details PDF & E-mail


Payment details can be displayed as a stand-alone PDF document or can be sent as an e-mail. This allows to have a copy, if needed, of your transactions.

In order to get either those, please do the following:


Once you have selected an either Print Payment Details (PDF) or Send Email, a Payment detail receipt will be displayed, in either of those formats, with relevant information about your transaction.

Payment Receipt Details

The Payment details PDF and E-mail document is composed by the following sections:

The bottom part of the document will always show:

On the bottom left you will find Page (This will change depending on how many pages the document has, or if there is more than one) and, on the bottom right, a clarification for the column Other Payments and Credits and Invoice Balance regarding the validity of such columns in terms of date and time. 

PDF and E-mail

Remember that the E-mail and PDF will always display the same information and the only difference will be the format. While you can change the size of the document on the e-mail (this will generally fit your screen depending on the App or Browser you are using) the PDF format will always have the same size due to how this formats works, only allowing to zoom in or out.