Upload Inventory in Boxes

In this article, you will learn how to upload your inventory using an Excel file from the Add Inventory screen.

User Roles: Admin, Sales Manager, Procurement User, and Inventory.

Upload Inventory in Boxes

To upload boxes with an Excel file, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Inventory and select Add Inventory.

  2. Click on Upload Inventory from Excel.

  3. Optional: Select "Confirm Inventory" to automatically add products to your available inventory without needing to confirm it in the Staging Area.

  4. Upload the file. 

Once you upload your file, the system will add the products to your inventory and send you an email with the results. In case there are any errors, the system will send an email containing a link to review the reasons why some records were not added to Komet Sales.


You can download a template to use for this process here:

File size limit:

  • The maximum number of boxes per line is 100 boxes.

  • The maximum number of rows per file is 1000 rows.

  • The maximum number of boxes per file is 5000 boxes.

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Mixed Boxes Considerations

When uploading mixed boxes, keep in mind the following statements:

  • The Parent Line Breakdown # is required for mixed boxes.

  • All the product lines (including the parent line) within a breakdown must have the same number in this column so the system knows they belong to the same box.

  • The first product row that appears from top to bottom will be the parent line.

  • It is important to include specific details in the breakdown information to help identify products that are mixed in boxes.

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