Open Hard Goods Boxes

Open Hard Goods Boxes

In this article, you will learn how to open Hard Goods Boxes.

User Roles: Administrator, Inventory, Procurement User, and Sales Manager.

Open Hard Goods Boxes

Hard Goods boxes must contain products with a Pack Size greater than 1 and different values in the Qty and Total Units columns to be available for opening.

There are two ways you can open Hard Goods Boxes to sell them by units:

The boxes of products you can open must have a Pack Size greater than 1, and the Qty and Total Units columns should be different.

Unit Price Markup

Each time you open a box, the product unit price may increase based on the Unit Price Markup you set up for the particular product. If you want to learn how to manage this additional charge, read Add Additional Charges to Hard Goods | How to Apply a Unit Price Markup.

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Open Hard Goods Boxes from Inventory Summary

If you want to open Hard Goods Boxes from the Inventory Summary screen, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Inventory and select the Inventory Summary tab.

  2. Click on the manage hard goods inventory link.

  3. Use the filters to find the specific product which you want to open boxes.

  4. In the Actions column, click on the Open Item option.

  5. In Quantity to Open, enter the number of boxes you want to open.

  6. Click on the Open green button.

Once you open the box, these products will become available as units on this same screen.

Open Hard Goods Boxes from the Inventory Summary screen by choosing the Open Item option in the Actions column for the product.

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Open Hard Goods Boxes from Add Order

If you want to open Hard Goods Boxes from the Order Screen, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry and select the Add Order tab.

  2. Enter the order information and click on the Add items button.

  3. Click on the Hard Goods tab.

  4. Use the search bar to find the specific product which you want to open boxes.

  5. In the Actions column, click on the Open Item option.

  6. In Quantity to Open, enter the number of boxes you want to open.

  7. Click on the Open boxes green button.

Once you receive the confirmation message, you will be able to add the items to the order as units.

Open Boxes with the Scanner Gun

If the number of units you want to add to an order when scanning product labels from this screen is not sufficient, the system will provide you with the option of opening a new box directly in the scanner gun.

Open Hard Goods Boxes from the Add Order screen by clicking on the Add Items green button and selecting the Open Item option in the Actions column for the product.

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