Print UPC Labels for Hard Goods

Print UPC Labels for Hard Goods

In this article, you will learn how to print UPC labels. Doing this will help you speed up the billing process through the scanner gun.

User Roles:  Admin, Sales Manager, and Inventory.

Set up Hard Goods UPC Labels

To set up a Hard Good product UPC label, you can add it when adding a new product or editing an existing one.

To add the UPC information to an existing product, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Products.

  2. Click on Manage Hard Goods.

  3. Click on Edit from the Actions column in the line of the product you are editing.

  4. Click on the Vendor tab.

  5. Enter the Case UPC and the Unit UPC information in their respective fields.

  6. Click on Save.

Adding the UPC information on an existing product


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Print Hard Goods Product Labels

  1. Go to Inventory and select Inventory Summary.

  2. Click on Manage Hard Goods Inventory.

  3. Use filters to find the Hard Good products you are printing labels for.

  4.  Click on the button in the Actions column to display the Actions menu.

  5. Select Print UPC Case Label

You can exclude prices from UPC Labels. To learn more, read Exclude Price on UPC Labels.

If the product also has a Unit UPC code set up, you can also print these labels per unit.

Printing UPC Labels


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