Buy in Units from E-commerce

Buy in Units from E-commerce

In this section, you will learn how to place an order with bunches using the Komet Sales E-commerce portal. Roles enabled to perform this action: E-commerce buyers.

Can’t buy products in Units?

Your Vendor must activate the Sell by the Bunch feature before you can buy units in E-Commerce. If this is the case, contact them to ask for this feature.

Place an Order in the E-Commerce

To place an E-commerce order, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to www.kometsales.com and click on the "Login" button in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. Enter the username and password and click on Login. 

  3. Enter the shipping information by choosing the ship date (in the future), carrier, and location (in multilocation companies). Keep in mind that the location you select must have enabled the Sales by the bunch feature, on the contrary, the next message will appear:

  4. Click on the Bunches tab. Add the items to the shopping cart by entering the quantity amount into the "Order Quantity" column field, then press the enter key to add it or use the Add option. Info: Even if the default unit type of the products offered in your e-commerce is stems, the minimum sale unit is the bunch. In case a product with default unit type Stem is added to an order, the system will calculate the selling price of the bunch

  5. As the user adds products, the screen will display the Prebook # as shown in the image below.

  6. The shopping cart displays the total quantity of unique products in your order and the total value of the products in the cart.

  7. To preview the orders, click View Cart, review the additional charges or taxes that may apply, then, click on Checkout or Pay & Checkout to complete the transaction.

  8. You will receive an email with the summary of your order. To proceed with the payment, read  How to Pay an E-commerce Order with Credit Card

  9. If you click on No, thanks, in the confirmation window, you will be taken to the Prebook Summary tab, where you can view your orders. Any pending open market orders to be approved by the account manager will have the status of "Pending Approval" until they are reviewed and approved by the assigned salesperson.

If you have problems completing your order, read E-Commerce Checkout Errors.

Edit Order Details

Once you add the first item to your shopping cart, the order header will be locked (ship date, carrier, ship to, etc.). To be able to edit this information, you must remove the products from your shopping cart first.



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