Advanced Customer Account Setup

In this article, you will learn how to setup advanced customer settings.

User roles: Admin and Setup.

Access the Advanced Customer Settings

To access the advanced settings, do the following steps:

  1. Go to Setup and select Customers.

  2. Search for the customer account.

  3. Select Edit under the Actions column.

  4. Click on the Advanced link under the Setup tab.

You will find a description of each Advanced Setting in the following sections.

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Access the Advanced Customer Setup from Setup - Customers.


Advanced Information

  • Fuel Surcharge. To ensure accurate invoicing, set rates for fuel surcharges for each box type and automatically applied to customer invoices. For more information, read .

  • UPC Pull Date Options:

    • Require UPC Pull Date. Require users to enter a Pull Date when the UPC information is required.

    • Default Pull Date Days. Set the number of days after the Truck Date for the Pull Date, you should specify the UPC Pull Date. This option is only applicable to Prebooks.

    • Pull Date Format. Specify the format used to create the pull date when the UPC information is required. You can also set the UPC Pull Date information for Mass Market Customers.

  • Territory. Associate a customer with a territory. You will only see existing territories in the list. To learn more, read .

  • Require Payment Upon Confirmation. Require salespeople to enter the payment information once the order is confirmed. If there are massive confirmations, the system will prevent orders from customers who have enabled this option from being confirmed. To learn more, read .

  • Invoice Disclaimer. Add a disclaimer for the customer that the system will print on the footer of their invoices. You can also enter a disclaimer per Company. To learn more, read .

  • Tags. Customer tags enable you to filter results in the Confirm POs screen in the Grower Portal. To learn more, read .

  • Show FOB Price. Enabling this option includes Fuel Surcharge and Outbound Freight in the sales screen price, avoiding separate charges on the invoice. To learn more, read

  • Landed Cost as Price. The system will display the suggested price as the landed cost, overriding the Prebook price, and will also use this price for every e-commerce transaction. Any differences are indicated with a ($) icon, and detailed information can be accessed by clicking on the details icon from the Order Entry screens. Applies to both units and boxes.

  • Price B Markup. Add an alternative price markup the system will use when the customer buys products from the open market inventory. This markup is required for customers with price lists. To learn more, read .

  • Groups. Group assignment enables the processing of payments collectively for a group. Customers in a group cannot use their available credits for individual payments. To assign a group, enter an existing name or create a new one, and click "Save.”

  • Accounting Code. Add an accounting code to the customer for smooth integration with external accounting systems in Komet.

  • Consolidate Invoices on Automatic Billing. Enabling this option for a customer merges orders with the same details into a single order, simplifying billing and allocation. Overrides Invoicing Policy.

  • Finance Charge Percentage. Set an additional charge in percentage for unpaid invoices beyond a certain timeframe calculated over the total account balance. To exempt the customer from these charges, enter a 0 in this field. Otherwise, the system will charge the standard company charge. To learn more, read .

  • Show Truck Date on Order Entry. The truck date will appear when creating a new order with the ship date and carrier. Keep in mind that the minimum transit days setting might restrict the number of days that can be entered. To calculate a date based on ship date and transit days, use the "Truck Date" feature and set up transit days in the "Days of Service" tab.

  • Customer's Currency. Set up specific currencies for your customer with the multicurrency option. When enabled, all transactions show the total amount in both currencies, including Euro, USD, CNY, and ZAR. We recommend reviewing your shopping cart before placing an order. To learn more, read .

  • CRM Link. Add a personalized CRM link in Komet Sales Advanced settings for easy access by your sales team when creating invoice orders. To learn more, read .

FOB Price:

When you're setting up prebook and standing orders, remember to include the Fuel Surcharge in the price you enter. Once the items are invoiced, the system won't add the fuel surcharge again.

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E-commerce Settings

Customers can configure specific E-commerce settings that are set on an individual basis. However, restrictions do apply to ensure the options work effectively within the E-commerce portal. Below are detailed descriptions of each setting:

  • Aging Restriction per Customer and the Displaying of Vendor Codes. Set an age restriction for each customer to control product purchasing on E-commerce. To learn more, read .

  • Max Age. Maximum product age the system will display. If a product has reached the specified age limit, it will not be available for purchase. If you leave this field blank, the system will follow the company policy regarding product availability.

  • Min Age. Maximum product age the system will display. If a product has reached the specified age limit, it will not be available for purchase. If you leave this field blank, the system will follow the company policy regarding product availability.

  • Display Vendor. Select the information the system will show to the customer.

  • Allow changing custom product packs. If this option is enabled, Komet Sales allows E-commerce customer users to change custom product packs when creating an E-commerce order with Vendor Availability products. Requires enabling the Vendor Availability from the .

  • Require Credit Card Payment. Require the Customer to pay by credit card to complete their order in E-do Commerce. This option is only available for customers whose default currency is US$.

  • Restrict Credit Card Access. Disable credit card payments in e-commerce and hide the information on the customer’s cards. This setting is unavailable if Require Credit Card Payment is enabled.

  • Send Check-out notification To. Add more email addresses for order notifications by separating them with semicolons. To be able to set up this on a per-company or location basis, go to .

  • E-Commerce Markup. This markup applies to all E-commerce transactions, regardless of inventory type. It can be an addition to the price or a discount, entered in either dollars or percentages. If set up for the customer, it will override any Price B markup.

  • Allow to choose Inventory Type. Enable the Customer purchasing in the e-commerce to filter between the different inventory types, such as All / On Hand / Future Sales / Vendor Availability / K2K / E2E. 

    Note: the system has two validation processes that can prevent the display of On Hand or E2E inventories:

    • If the "Hide On Hand Inventory setting" is enabled, On Hand inventory will not appear in the e-commerce platform, even if you enter it in E-commerce Settings.

    • When a user selects the "Shipping Via" Grower option within the e-commerce platform, the system will not display the E2E inventory either.

  • Ship Via. Set a default shipping option for customers on E-commerce orders. "Ship Via Grower" means only Vendor Availability products will be displayed. Alternatively, you can let the user choose their option. Keep in mind that shipping costs won't be factored into Landed Costs for K2K products.

  • Customer’s Resale GPM. The system calculates and adds a suggested resale price column to the e-commerce page to help your customers with their reselling. The suggested resale price is informative only and not used by the system.

  • Show arrival date instead of ship date. Display the order's arrival date in the E-Commerce instead of a shipping date of 0.

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Select a Ship Via

This option allows selecting the default via option for E-commerce Orders. There are three options available:

  • Through the warehouse: Shipping items via the warehouse means that these items will be sent from the vendor to any of the importer's warehouse locations; these items will be processed through the inventory and shipped to the final customer from the warehouse.

  • Direct From the vendor: This particular option is meant for orders that are shipped straight from the vendor to the customer. Please note that once this option is activated for a specific customer, the system will only show the Vendor Availability inventory, which includes K2K if it is relevant. If you choose this option, the system will not factor in the AWB freight, handling fees, duties, or inbound truck freight when determining the landed cost calculation for the suggested sales price. Instead, the system will only consider the flower cost and GPM in determining the selling price.

  • User's Choice: In this case, the customer will be able to choose how the products should be shipped. If the customer selects Ship Via Warehouse, the system will display On Hand, Future, and Vendor Availability inventory (including K2K if it applies). If the user selects Ship Via Grower, the system will only display Vendor Availability inventory (including K2K, if it applies).

If you enable the User’s Choice option, the system will display a dropdown menu when the user is creating an order in the E-Commerce.

Ship K2K products

If users select Ship Via Grower on Prebooks or E-commerce orders for products coming from K2K integration in the Customer Company, the system will associate the customer information of the Prebook as a Ship To in the Vendor Company's invoice as well as the selected carrier and Carrier account number. If the Prebook Customer has a Ship To, the system will display the Ship To and the customer name (separated by c/o). For example, Store 1 c/o ABC Wholesaler.

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Show Arrival Date Instead of Ship Date

By choosing this option, the system will continue using the arrival date for all the E-commerce transactions instead of the ship date.

When this option is enabled, the shipping information for E-commerce transactions will be calculated based on the Customer's Days of Service and the . The system will take into account the transit days, so the next step is to configure these ( the difference between the ship day and the delivery day). This difference varies per carrier and can be entered from the Days of Service tab in the Transit Days column.

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Set a Customer’s GPM

You can set up the GPM to calculate a suggested sales price for a particular customer on E-commerce.

To set up the GPM for a customer's account, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup > Customers

  2. Search for the customer account under the Actions column and select Edit.

  3. Under the Setup tab, click on the link: "Advanced".

  4. Under the E-commerce Settings, enter the GPM percentage and click on Save.

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E-Commerce Markup

The system will apply the e-commerce markup after having considered the limit price. The order for calculating the final price is the next:

  1. Product Price.

  2. Price B markup.

  3. E-commerce Limit Price Consideration.

  4. E-commerce Markup.

  5. FOB-Fuel Surcharge.

  6. Final price calculation.

Keep in mind that the E-commerce markup will override the Price B markup (in case both are enabled).

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Display Inventory Type

This option allows you to restrict the type of inventory that should be displayed for the customer on the E-commerce. You will be able to select several inventory types. By leaving the field empty, the customer will be able to see all the inventory types. This option shall be subject to the E-commerce Settings for the company or location, meaning that if the option Hide On Hand Inventory is enabled, for example, the system will not display On Hand inventory, even if you enter On Hand in this setting.


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Assign a Customer’s Main Location

For companies with multiple locations, it's possible to designate a Main Location for each customer. This allows for easy filtering when searching for customers associated with a specific location. This feature is applicable when creating Standing Orders, Prebooks, Standalone PO, and invoices. 

To assign a customer’s main location, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup > Customers.

  2. Search for the customer account from the Actions column and select Edit.  

  3. Under the Setup tab, click on the "Advanced" link.

  4.  Click on the Main Location field and select the location that you want to assign as the main location for that specific customer.

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