Fuel Surcharge

Fuel Surcharge


The system allows you to automatically charge the fuel surcharge to specific accounts. This amount is calculated based on the port of origin of the goods and its box type.



The FOB is only displayed for informational purposes. There are several options for showing the information on the invoice which depends on the settings Fuel Surcharge and Show FOB price Settings:


1) Charge Fuel Surcharge enabled and Show FOB price disabled: The Fuel Surcharge will appear on the invoice as a separate item called Fuel Surcharge.



2) Charge Fuel Surcharge enabled and Show FOB price enabled: The Fuel Surcharge will be added to the unit price, so in the invoice will appear added to the unit price.



3) Charge Fuel Surcharge disabled: The system will display only the Unit Price regardless a Fuel Surcharge has been set up.

Fuel Surcharge Options

Dashboard and GPM

The fuel surcharge is included in the total sales figures but it is not used to calculate the GPM.

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