Print Shipping Pallet Labels

Print Shipping Pallet Labels

The system allows you to print Shipping Pallet Labels for your customers' orders. To do so, please follow the simple steps below. 

Roles enabled to perform this action:  Admin, Sales Manager, Procurement User, Inventory.

Use the available filters to search for the orders you want to print the pallet labels for. Remember that the system will only print the order of the results on the first page.

Table of Contents

Print Shipping Pallet Labels

  1. Go to Shipping and select Order Summary.

  2. Search and select the order.

  3. Click on Actions and select Print Pallet Label-Single or Print Pallet Label-Consolidated.

    1. If you select Print Pallet Label-Single, the system will print each order in a single PDF sheet.

    2. If you select Print Pallet Label-Consolidated, the system will consolidate in a single PDF sheet all the orders having the same customer, carrier, ship date, and ship to (with a maximum of six orders per sheet). 

  4. Click on Print.

The Shipping Pallet Labels display the order's information, such as Ship To, Sold To, Order Number, Carrier, and Truck Date.

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Print Shipping Pallet Labels from the Actions in the Order Summary screen.

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