

This method returns a list of customers. 


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/customer.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Params.

Input parameters

  • authenticationToken (required)(string:50): Komet Sales security token.

  • id (optional)(integer:20): Komet Sales internal customer ID.

  • name (optional)(string:200): name of the customer.

  • code (optional)(string:10): code of the customer.

  • salesPersonId (optional)(integer:20): Komet Sales internal salesperson ID.

  • includeInactive (optional)(boolean): true or false. If it's true it will also return customers that have been deactivated. 

  • locationId (optional)(integer:20): location Komet Sales internal ID. You can obtain this value from the location.list API method. This only applies to companies in Multi-Location mode. 

  • updateAsOf (optional) (date) (date format YYYY-MM-DD): the system will only search for customers updated as of this date.

You can use other parameters such as the ID, code, and name in order to filter the results.

  • Filtering by ID and code uses an exact match.

  • Filtering by name uses a "LIKE" expression. Filters are not case-sensitive.


https://api.kometsales.com/api/customer.list? authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here



  • status (integer:1): transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure.

  • message (string:500): description of the status of the transaction.

  • customers: array of customers

    • id (integer:20): Komet Sales internal customer ID.

    • accountingCode (string:20): customer accounting code.

    • name (string:200): name of the customer.

    • code (string:10): code of the customer.

    • active (boolean:1): 1 if the customer is active, 0 if the customer is not active.

    • salesPerson (string:200): salesperson name.

    • salesPersonId (integer:20): salesperson ID.

    • customerType (string:200): customer type. e.g.: Retailer, Wholesaler, etc.

    • updatedOn (datetime) (date format YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss).: last updating date of the customer.

Sample Response

{ "status": "1", "message": "OK", "customers": [ { "id": "25475", "accountingCode": "ACC10", "customerType": "PART-TIME FLORIST", "salesPerson": "Julian Mejía", "name": "2-14 BRIDAL CAKES", "salesPersonId": 1819, "active": "1", "code": "T3526", "updatedOn": "2017-08-02T12:15:17" } , { "id": "29775", "customerType": "", "name": "Flores SAS", "active": "1", "code": "ASS", "salesPersonId": 23423, "customerType": "Retailer", "updatedOn": "2017-09-15T17:02:50" } ] }

This method can be executed with Company and Vendor Tokens.