Add a Customer's Ship-To Address

Add a Customer's Ship-To Address

This section of Komet Sales is where the customer's ship to information can be managed. Here you will learn how to add ship to's for a specific customer.

Add a Ship-To Address

To add a Customer Ship To, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Customers.

  2. Click on Edit from the Actions column.

  3. Select the Ship To’s tab in the Customer Information module.

  4. Click on Add a new Ship To.

  5. Fill out the form.

  6. Click on Save.

To edit or delete a Ship To, do this same process and select Edit or Delete from the Ship To Actions column.

You can export Customer lists and Ship To's as Excel files from the Setup > Customers screen by clicking on the Export to Excel or Export Ship To's buttons.

You can add Customer Ship To’s from the Customer Settings module

Problems editing or deleting a Ship To?

When the Manage Ship To's from an External System option has been enabled, all users will be restricted from editing or deleting ship to's.

When the Manage Ship To’s from an External System setting is enabled, the Actions column will not be visible

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