Aging Limits & Vendor Information - E-commerce

The system allows users to set a product aging restriction per customer. This restriction will apply to a customer when making a purchase through E-Commerce. This option is configured per customer account.  To see more information about the vendor information, read Display Vendor Name or Code for E-commerce.


  • Aging Restrictions per Customer is only available for companies who have E-commerce activated.
  • The "Max Age" and "Min Age" setting per customer will limit the available products they view on E-commerce to be purchased, to the product items that comply with the aging restriction. If the customer does not have any information configured on the E-commerce settings, the system will show all products available for the whole Company. E-Commerce Settings when displaying the available products on E-Commerce. 
  • Enabling the "Display Vendor Codes" option will cause for a "Details" link to be displayed at the product line item level within the E-commerce purchasing screen. This is so they are able to view the vendor code that the product was sourced from.


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