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In order to create shipments in Komet Sales, vendors can be required to confirm purchase orders first. Here you will learn how to do it.



  • Some of the companies which work with Komet Sales system use a TEST MODE. Imight be that the system sends emails asking to confirm a PO with the next message: Please note that this PO was generated in a company that is running in Test Mode. If this is the case you can ignorthe email since the PO is not real.
  • In case you have issues while confirming your POs, read Unable to Confirm a Purchase Order.

titleInstructions for confirming PO's from the vendor portal

Ui steps

Ui step





 and click on the Login button.


Ui step

 Enter the username and password. In case the user does not have one, contact the company in order to be provided with one.


Ui step

 If the account is associated with more than one company once the user logs in into the system they will need to click on the "Select your Company" window and select the company that they are going to work with. In case the account is linked to a single company, the option "Select your Company" will not show up.

Ui step

Go to Purchase Orders > Confirm POs which displays the list of PO's sent by the customer. Please note that the system takes the current date as



Searching is simple: enter any of the available search parameters and press the "Search" button.


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Ui step
  • In case the vendor does not have all of the items requested, the order can be partially confirmed by entering the number of available boxes in the (To Confirm) field box and pressing enter.
  • Items coming from Vendor Availability or K2K inventories sold on e-commerce cannot be confirmed until the final customer completes the checkout process.
  • If the entire purchase order is to be confirmed just enter the total number of boxes in the order in the (To Confirm) field box and press enter.
  • Check the Status field the current status of the order: confirmed orders (Confirmed), partially confirmed orders (Partially Confirmed), waiting to be confirmed (Pending) and dispatched orders (Shipped).
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Ui step

Clicking the Confirm Shipments button will simultaneously confirm all of the purchase orders that match the search previously entered. A confirmation window will open, to confirm press Yes.

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Once all PO's have been confirmed, they can be added to an AWB. Please refer to our


article Creating a New AWB Shipment.


The information showed in the Confirm PO screen is customizable by clicking on the gear icon.

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Each row matches a product which is linked to a purchase order Purchase Order including the following information:

  • PO #: the purchase order number.

  • Ship Date: the date when the PO needs to be shipped in MM/DD format.

  • Vendor: the vendor name.
  • Product: the product that needs to be shipped.

  • Qty PO: the number of boxes required for this product.

  • Qty Conf: the number of boxes already confirmed for this product.

  • To Conf: the number of boxes pending to be confirmed.

  • Qty Missing: the number of boxes that hasn't been confirmed (Missing).

  • The box type (B/T).

  • Total Units: The the total of units to be shipped.

  • Cost: the cost per unit (displayed in the vendor's currency).

  • When the vendor has a different currency from the one set up per company, the system will display both currencies in the PO summary (when clicking on View Details

    Total Cost: Is the product of the number of units and the cost per unit (displayed in the vendor's currency).


and the company currency when performing actions such as Substitute Items or specify breakdown


  • Customer: The the customer's name.

  • Mark code: Is a code associated with some marks.

  • Origin: Is the port where the product comes.

  • Status: the PO status 

  • Customer PO #: The customer PO # of the prebook
  • Actions: Action to be performed with the shipment.

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  • V.A. Status: the status of the PO when allocating using vendor availability items. There are three statuses: Allocated, Not Allocated and All. The system will display a V in blue next to the PO number if the product was 100 % allocated from vendor availability. When passing the cursor key over the blue V, the system will show the information about the product that was allocated. Remember this information will only appear in those accounts with the Vendor Availability option active.

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    titleConfirm PO screen

    titleProduct Recipes

    A recipe is a bunch consisting  consisting of different varieties of flowers. Purchase Orders can be created using Recipes and they will be identified with a blue star icon. You can postpone or substitute a PO items having that have recipes. To see the PO details click on the blue star icon next to the Recipe samename.

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    Once you click on the star, the Recipe details window will appear:

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    titleUploading Invoices

    To upload invoices for each PO, go to the PO Summary tab and click on "Upload" and Save. For more information refer to our article: Upload invoices to Komet Sales.Image Removed

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    titleConfirming PO's by email

    You can confirm a PO directly from your email or just confirm that you have received the purchase order. For further information please read Email Notification for Cancelled and Partially Confirmed POs.
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    titleRelated Articles

    Filter by label (Content by label)
    cqllabel in ( "vendor-portal" , "confirm-po" )


    When vendors create POs, these are automatically approved please read Allow Vendors to create Purchase Orders for further information.

    titleTip: Products and Customers Tags

    Sometimes the company categorizes the customers with tags (by priority, for example), or the Products. You can use these tags to quickly find the POs needed and perform actions such as Mass Allocations, Export to Excel and Confirm Shipments.

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    titleRelated Articles

    Filter by label (Content by label)


    When vendors create POs, these are automatically approved please read How to allow Vendors to create Purchase Orders? for further information.


    Some of the companies which work with Komet Sales system use a TEST MODE. Imight be that the system sends emails asking to confirm a PO with the next message: Please note that this PO was generated in a company that is running in Test Mode. If this is the case you can ignorthe email since the PO is not real.


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    We've encountered an issue exporting this macro. Please try exporting again later.