Update a Customer

Use this method to update an existing Customer in Komet Sales.

Valid Tokens: Company.


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/customer.update

Method: POST

Content-Type: application/JSON

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

customerId (required)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

name (required)(string:200)

Customer’s name.

active (optional)(boolean:1)

If the Customer is active.

Valid values: 1 = Active = 0 = Inactive.

code (optional)(string:10)

Customer code.

type (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer-Type ID.

This ID must belong to one of the customer-type IDs from the company.

Since this list doesn't come from an API method yet, you must contact the Komet Sales team to get this list of IDs.

locationCodes (optional) (string:50)

The Location code from Locations associated to the Customer.

Only applies to Multi-Location companies.

The location codes must be separated by colons.

All the existing values will be overridden.

phone (optional)(string:20)

Customer’s phone number.


Require payment upon confirmation.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 No


The finance charge percentage.

Do not include the % symbol.


Customer group name. 

fax (optional)(string:20)

Fax number.

website (optional)(string:50)

Customer’s web site address.

terms (optional)(string:50)

Payment Terms.

For example: Net 7, Net 15, Net 30, etc.

emailForInvoices (optional)(string:200)

Email addresses where the system will send Invoices.

Separate email addresses with a semicolon.

emailForStatements (optional)(string:200)

Email addresses where the system will send Statements.

Separate email addresses with a semicolon.

creditHold (optional)(boolean:1)

Place the Customer on hold.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No

creditLimit (optional)(decimal:10,2)

Customer credit limit.

If this field is empty, the Customer will have no credit limit.

paymentMethod (optional)(string:50)

Payment method name.

You can get this value from the payment.method.list API method.

chargeFuelSurcharge (optional)(boolean:1)

Charge Fuel Surcharge to the Customer.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No

chargeTax (optional)(boolean:1)

Charge taxes to the Customer.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No


Tax Exemption number.

sendInvoiceVia (optional)(string:50)

Channels where the system will send statements.

Separate each value with a comma.

Valid values: e-mail, fax, mail.

sendStatementVia (optional)(string:50)

Channels where the system will send statements.

Separate each value with a comma.

Valid values: e-mail, fax, mail.

defaultPrice (optional)(string:1)

The Customer’s default price.

Valid values: A or B

markupValue (optional)(number: 5)

Markup number to add to the default price.

The unit-type is selected in the markupType field. 

markupType (optional)(string: 1)

Markup unit-type.

Valid values: $ or %

defaultShippingNotes (optional)(string:200)

Default shipping notes or comments that you want to associate to the Customer.

billingStreet (optional)(string:200)

Billing address street.

billingCity (optional)(string:50)

Billing address city.

billingState (optional)(string:50)

Billing address state.

billingZipcode (optional)(string:10)

Billing address Zip Code.

billingCountry (optional)(string:50)

Billing address country.

shippingStreet (optional)(string:200)

Shipping address street.

shippingCity (optional)(string:50)

Shipping address city.

shippingState (optional)(string:50)

Shipping address state.

shippingZipcode (optional)(string:10)

Shipping address Zip Code.

shippingCountry (optional)(string:50)

Shipping address country.

lastSalesDate (optional)(date) 

The last sale date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD


Enable FOB price.

Valid values: 1 = Enable | 0 = Disable


The flower Salesperson Komet Sales Login Username.


The plant Salesperson Komet Sales Login Username.

salesPersonCodeForFlowers (optional)(string:20)

The Flower Salesperson code.

You can find the salesperson code in Setup > Users. To learn more, read .

salesPersonCodeForPlants (optional)(string:20)

The Plants Salesperson code.

You can find the salesperson code in Setup > Users. To learn more, read .

vatCode (optional)(string:50)

The Value-added Tax code.

mainLocationCode (optional) (string:10)

Customer’s main Location code.

Only applies to Multi Location companies. 

isCustomerPORequired (optional)(boolean:1)

Require Customer PO# in Sales screens.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No 

crmLink (string:500)

The Customer’s external CRM URL.

territory (optional)(string:50)

Customer’s territory name.

accountingCode (optional)(string:50)

The Customer’s Accounting Code.

eCommerceMarkupSign (optional)(string:1)

E-Commerce markup unit-type.

Valid values: $ or %.

eCommerceMarkupValue (optional)(decimal:10,2)

E-Commerce markup value. 

displayVendor (optional)(integer:1)

Display Vendor information.

Valid values: 1 = Vendor code | 2 = Vendor name | 0 = Hide Vendor information

checkOutNotificationTo (optional)(string:200)

The email addresses where the system will send checkout notifications.

showArrivalDate (optional)(boolean:1)

Show arrival date. 

Valid values: 0 = Hide | 1 = Show

ecommerceShipVia (optional)(integer:1)

The default Ship Via for E-Commerce orders.

Valid Values: 0 = Warehouse | 1 = Vendor | 2 = Customer’s choice

{ "authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here", "customerId":"234234", "name": "ABC Wholesale", "code": "ABC", "type": "Retailer", "phone": "054 474 3222", "fax": "054 474 3223", "website":"www.abcwholesale.com", "terms":"Net 30", "chargeFuelSurcharge":1, "emailForInvoices": "invoices@abcwholesale.com", "sendInvoiceVia":"e-mail,fax", "billingStreet":"900 Brickell Avenue # 0001", "billingCity":"Miami", "billingState":"Florida", "billingZipcode":"33000", "billingCountry":"USA" }


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

customerId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

{ "status": 1, "message": "The customer was successfully saved.", "customerId": 234234 }