Sales Codes

Sales Codes

The system will allow adding Salesperson Codes to identify different levels of transactions when creating an invoice order or a Prebook.

To have Salespeople Codes enabled, please contact Komet Sales.

Table of Contents

Create a Sales Code

Salesperson Codes are created individually for each user in the system.

To add a sales code, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Users.

  2. Search for the salesperson user.

  3. Click on the Actions column and select Edit.

  4. Click on the Salesperson Codes tab.

  5. Click on Add new salesperson code link.

  6. Add the Code and Description.

  7. Optional: Set the code as default for all transactions.

  8. Click on Save.

After the Salesperson Code is set, the Salesperson should be selected when creating an invoice or Prebook. The system will display the option to add Salesperson Codes to each invoice or Prebook as needed.

Can’t see the sales codes?

If you have sales codes enabled but cannot see them when creating an order, verify that the Allow Salespeople to change the Salesperson of the order setting is enabled from the Order Entry Options group of settings.

If you need to edit or delete a sales code, go to the Salesperson Codes Tab as described in step 4 and select either Edit or Delete.

Create a Sales Code for each user from the Setup - Users screen.
Salespeople can select the Sales Code when creating an invoice or a Prebook.



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