Get an Invoice list

Get an Invoice list

Use this method to get a list of invoices.

Valid values: Company and Customer.

The maximum range for this request is six months.

You can send parameters such as the status, customer, customerId and product in order to filter the results.

When you use filters, take the following statements into account:

  • Filtering by status, carrierId or customerId the system uses an exact match.

  • Filtering by customer and product uses a "LIKE" expression.

  • Filters are not case sensitive.

  • If you use the orderId and order filters, the system will ignore the orderDateFrom and orderDateTo filters. 


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/invoice.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

orderDateFrom (required)(date)

Shipping date from.

Date format YYYY-MM-DD

orderDateTo (required)(date)

Shipping date to.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

status (optional)(integer:1)

Order status.

Valid values: 0 = Pending | 1 = Confirmed | 2 = Draft | 4 = Voided

If this filter is not given, the system will return all the orders from the specified orderDate.

customer (optional)(string:200)

Customer name or code.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

customerId (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

locationId (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.

You can get this value from the location.list API method.

Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

carrierName (optional)(string:200)

Carrier name.

carrierId (optional)(integer:20)

Carrier ID.

You can get this value from the carrier.list API method.

product (optional)(string:200)

Product description.

order (optional)(integer:10)

Order number.

orderId (optional)(integer:10)

Komet Sales Order ID.

isEcommerce (optional)(boolean)

Order source.

Valid values: True = E-Commerce | False = Regular and phone orders

updatedAsOf (optional)(datetime) 

Only return orders updated since the specified time and date.

Date format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Time is in the GMT time zone. 

excludeTransfer (optional)(boolean)

Exclude transfer orders.

Valid values: 1 = Exclude transfer orders | 0 = Include every order

Default is zero.

locationIds (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.

You can enter several Location IDs separated by a comma.

Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

You can get this value from the location.list API method.

https://api.kometsales.com/api/invoice.list? authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here&orderDateFrom=2016-07-01 &orderDateTo=2016-07-30


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

invoices (array)

An array containing Invoices.

id (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Invoice ID.

number (integer:10)

Invoice number.

customerId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

customerName (string:200)

Customer name.

customerCode (string:20)

Customer code.

billCity (string:200)

Billing address city.

billState (string:200)

Billing address state.

billAddress (string:200)

Billing address street.

billZipCode (string:10)

Billing address ZIP code.

billCountry (string:200)

Billing address country.

orderRef (string:20)

Order number reference.

shipName (string:200)

Ship To name.

shipCity (string:200)

Ship To address city.

shipState (string:200)

Ship To address state.

shipAddress (string:200)

Ship To street address.

shipZipCode (string:10)

Ship To address ZIP code.

shipCountry (string:200)

Ship To address country.

shipDate (date)

Order shipping date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

carrierId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Carrier ID.

carrierName (string:200)

Carrier name.

carrierCode (string:20)

Carrier code.

salesPersonId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Salesperson ID.

salesPersonName (string:200)

Salesperson name.

locationId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.

locationName (string:200)

Location name.

customerPONumber (string:20)

Customer PO#.

totalBoxes (integer:10)

Total boxes.

subtotal (decimal:10,2)

Total of the order.

This total does not include Additional Charges or taxes.

additionalCharges (decimal:10,2)

Total Additional Charges.

taxes (decimal:10,2)

Total taxes.

total (decimal:10,2)

Total of the order.

Calculated with: subtotal + additionalCharges + taxes

totalLandedCost (decimal:10,2)

Total landed cost of the order.

status (string:20)

Order status.

Valid values: 0 = Pending | 1 = Confirmed | 2 = Draft | 4 = Voided

countConfirmed (integer:10)

Number of times that the order has been confirmed.

isEcommerce (string:3)

If the order comes from the E-Commerce.

updatedOn (datetime)

Last time the order was updated.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss 

Time is in the GMT time zone.

createdOn (datetime)

When the invoice was created.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

Time is in the GMT time zone.

warehouseInstructions (string: 200)

Order notes and instructions for the warehouse. 

invoiceNotes (string:200)

Order notes for the Customer of the Invoice. 

customerGroup (string:20)

Customer group name.

customerMainLocationId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID of the customer's main location.

{ "message": "OK", "status": 1, "invoices": [ { "id": 452714, "number": 2355, "customerId": 29628, "customerName": "Flowers3", "customerCode": "398190", "billCity": "Miami2", "billState": "Florida", "billAddress": "7 Avenue # 5434", "billZipCode": "24564", "billCountry": "USA", "orderRef": "", "shipName": "test", "shipCity": "MDE", "shipState": "a", "shipAddress": "test1", "shipZipCode": "tyui", "shipCountry": "USA", "shipDate": "2019-06-13", "carrierId": 1357, "carrierName": "Armellini", "carrierCode": "AR", "salesPersonId": 239, "salesPersonName": "Angie Florez", "locationId": 4, "locationName": "Omaha", "customerPONumber": "", "totalBoxes": 0, "subtotal": 0, "additionalCharges": 0, "taxes": 0, "total": 0, "status": "4", "countConfirmed": 0, "isEcommerce": "no", "updatedOn": "2019-06-26T13:09:15", "createdOn": "2019-06-13 17:31:39", "warehouseInstructions": "", "invoiceNotes": "", "customerGroup": "Komet Group", "customerMainLocationId": 4 }, { "id": 452715, "number": 2356, "customerId": 29628, "customerName": "Flowers3", "customerCode": "320190", "billCity": "Miami2", "billState": "Florida", "billAddress": "34 Avenue # 5434", "billZipCode": "24534", "billCountry": "USA", "orderRef": "", "shipName": "test", "shipCity": "MDE", "shipState": "a", "shipAddress": "test1", "shipZipCode": "tyui", "shipCountry": "USA", "shipDate": "2019-06-13", "carrierId": 1357, "carrierName": "Armellini", "carrierCode": "AR", "salesPersonId": 239, "salesPersonName": "Angie Florez", "locationId": 4, "locationName": "Omaha", "customerPONumber": null, "totalBoxes": 0, "subtotal": 0, "additionalCharges": 0, "taxes": 0, "totalLandedCost": 1.2, "total": 5, "status": "4", "countConfirmed": 0, "isEcommerce": "no", "updatedOn": "2019-06-26T13:40:59", "createdOn": "2019-06-13 17:33:23", "warehouseInstructions": "", "invoiceNotes": "", "customerGroup": "Komet Group", "customerMainLocationId": 4 } ] }

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