Get a Global Network Product Code

Get a Global Network Product Code

Use this method to get a list of products in the same category with their global network name and ID.

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URL: https://globalnetworkcodes.kometsales.com/product

Method: GET

Content-Type: application/JSON


authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

The token you need to use this endpoint will be provided to you by the support team of your system (Axerrio, Unosof, or Komet Sales).

Input Parameters

genusId (required)(integer)

Category name.

productName (required)(string)

Name of the product you are searching. You can also search with parts of the name.

limit (required)(integer)

The desired amount of products to retrieve.

The maximum number is 50; if the user enters more, the system will not exceed this number.

{ "genusId": "1638927", "productName": "Blue Agaphantus", "limit": "49" }

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statusCode (string:500)

Transaction status result.

Valid Values: 200 = Success | 400 = Failure


body (array)

An array containing product results.

productId (integer)

Global Network Product ID.

productName (string)

Global Network Product Name.

{ "headers": { "statusCode": 200 }, "body": [ { "productId": 2000076, "productName": "Charmelia Yellow" }, { "productId": 2000319, "productName": "Yellow King" } ] }

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