Set Prices

Set Prices


Once items have been added to the inventory, they can be easily priced and updated.

To set prices, follow these steps:

The system will automatically set the Price A for open market products, based on the landed cost and the GPM that has been established for the company at "Setup".

Pricing Options


Price B is open and can be used to enter an alternative price that will be displayed at the Order Entry screen. This price will not have any effect on the system and will not be used for any calculations. It is a simple reference value.

Change the Other Charges Field

The system allows to edit the other Charges field of the landed cost. User must have the setting Allow to Modify Other Charges in Pricing Screens enabled to perform this action.

This field can have negative values, but keep in mind that the total of negative Additional Charges within a PO cannot be greater than the product landed cost.

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