Price Mass Update

Price Mass Update

This feature allows users to automatically update prices, inventory type and hold status for a group of products from the inventory, staging area or hard goods products. 

User Roles:  Admin, Sales Manager, Inventory.

Update the Unit Price

Filters must be applied before searching the range of products to be updated. Filters for AWB number, product, vendor, customer, etc. are available. Once the items are found, changes can be applied by clicking on the Mass Update button. 

  1. Go to Inventory > Pricing.

  2. Click on Search and use the filters to find the items that need to be updated.

  3. Click on the Mass Update button.

  4. The Mass Update window will be displayed. Enter the new price, cost, the inventory type (M for Open Market inventory, P for products of Prebooks, S for products coming from Standing Orders), select the hold status, and then, click on Save

  5. The system will apply these changes to all the products previously filtered.

Multi-Location Companies

If you are part of a multi-location company, you need to use the Location filter to select a location to apply changes.

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Update Prices Using the GPM

The system gives the option of updating price A of products based on a GPM percentage instead of the unit price. Once you use this option, the system will override the GPM for price A.

  1. Go to Inventory > Pricing.

  2. Click on Search and use the filters to find the items that need to be updated.

  3. Click on the Mass Update button. 

  4. Enter the percentage in the Price A field, and then, select GPM in the drop-down menu.

  5. Click on Save to finish.

  6. The system will update price A based on the percentage entered and the GPM percentage.

Multi-Location Companies

If you are part of a multi-location company, you need to use the Location filter to select a location to apply changes.

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Update the Hard Goods Inventory

The Mass Update for hard goods products is filtered differently because only the unit price can be updated. Once updated, the system will also update all the items in the inventory. 

  1. Go to Inventory > Pricing > hard goods products

  2. Search and filter the items that the unit price will be updated for.

  3. Select Mass Update

  4. Enter the unit price, and the system will update all the items; click on Save.

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Update Future Sales Inventory

You can mass update the unit price for products in the Future Sales inventory, to do this, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Inventory and select Pricing.

  2. Click on future inventory.

  3. Search the products you want to update. The system will take these filters into account when making the mass update.

  4. Click on Mass Update.

  5. Enter the price and click on Save.

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