Inventory Count
In this article, you will learn how to review or reset your inventory, print labels, and generate discrepancy reports from the Inventory Count screen.
User Roles: Admin, Inventory, Procurement Manager, Procurement User, and Sales Manager.
Table of Contents
Start an Inventory Count
To run physical inventory counts for boxes or units when needed, do the following instructions:
Go to Inventory and select Inventory Count.
Select the inventory from the links at the top of the page. There are two options:
Inventory in Boxes. When counting boxes, you can enter the specific rack letters if you want to reset the inventory for certain positions or leave the field empty to reset the whole inventory.
Inventory in Units.
Click on the Start Inventory Count green button.
Select option 3 - Inventory Count on the scan gun and begin scanning. Every product you scan will be updated in the Physical Inventory column.
Once you finish scanning, export a discrepancy report to verify the inventory.
Things to consider when doing an inventory count:
You can only do this process once per day. You can only edit the count for 24 hours; after this time, you must start a new count.
When you start an inventory count in boxes or units, the “Physical Inventory column” mark is removed from the products in both inventories.
If you make a mistake and you want to make a mass reset, click on the actions button, and select reset count. This action works with the applied search filters, or you can do it by line.
When you start an inventory count in units, the system will make a snapshot of the existing inventory used to populate the screen. This snapshot will consider products with a future invoice date that have not been marked with Picked and/or Shipped status.
If you scan a box marked as open in the system but physically closed, the system will prompt you to open the box, add the products to the units section in your warehouse, and update the product’s status in the system, adding it to the unit inventory count.
Resetting Inventory
You can also use this process to reset your inventory. To reset specific racks, enter the letters corresponding to those racks, separating them with either a space or the Enter key. Do not enter any numbers in the Rack Position field. To reset the entire inventory, leave the Rack Position field empty and click Yes.
Note: Clearing box positions are available but not advised for inventories over 1,000 items. It's best for condensed warehouses with box movement during counts. Once cleared, scan all boxes, including sold ones for current or future dates.
Shortcut for scanning multiple units:
When scanning units from the same lot #, you can use the scanner shortcut X (Option H and then x). This will take the information from the first product and ask you to input the number of products with the same lot # instead of scanning each bunch individually.
It is important not to put the same products from different growers in the same line when using this shortcut. Only use this shortcut for products coming from the same grower.
Manage Physical Inventory
In this screen, you can manage inventory in boxes or units. To manage these inventories, do the following instructions:
Go to Inventory and select Inventory Count.
Select the inventory you are modifying from the links at the top of the page. There are two options:
Inventory in Boxes
Inventory in Units
Use the search filters to filter the products you are managing. Notice that there are several filters that you can use to perform actions such as print Inventory Labels or Print Rack Labels.
By going to the actions gray button, you can Export to Excel or PDF inventory (based on the filters applied), print the discrepancies report, or reset the inventory (the last two actions do not take into account the filters mentioned above)
You can use the Box Status filter to filter products that are in your warehouse or that have been shipped by the grower.
Discrepancy Reports
Discrepancy reports help you identify discrepancies between the physical inventory and the inventory in Komet Sales.
To export a discrepancy report, do the following instructions:
Go to Inventory and select Inventory Count.
Optional: If you are exporting a report for unit products, click on inventory in units.
Click on the Actions button and select Discrepancies Report.
Select the file format and if you want to include information from the staging area.
The system will create the file and download it to your files. If you want to learn more about discrepancy reports, read Discrepancies Report.
Multi-Location Companies
When you export this report, you will need to select the location for the report.
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