Cancel a Standing Order

Cancel a Standing Order

In this article you will learn how to cancel a Standing Order.

Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Sales Manager, Sales, Procurement Manager, Allocations.

Table of Contents

Cancel a Standing Order

To cancel a Standing Order (SO), do the following instructions: 

  1. Go to Prebooks & SOs and select Standing Order Summary.

  2. Search the Standing Order.

  3. Click on Cancel from the Actions column.

  4. Click on Yes.

It is not possible to cancel a locked Standing Order.

Prebooks related to the Standing Order:

If there are prebooks generated from this Standing Order, you might hold those Prebooks before canceling the SO, so they are not sold.

To hold Prebooks, do the following instructions:

  1. Click on View Prebooks from the Actions column and follow the instructions described on Hold a Prebook Item.

  2. You should hold all the Prebooks which have not been billed or confirmed in the inventory.

  3. Once you have held the Prebooks, return to the Standing Order Summary and proceed with the cancellation.

To cancel a Standing Order, go to Prebooks & SOs - Standing Order Summary and click on edit from the actions column.

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