

This method allows you to obtain a list of the current available inventory in Boxes. 


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/inventory.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

Input Parameters

  • authenticationToken (required) (string:50): Komet Sales security token.

  • includeBoxes:* (optional) (integer:1) 1 include boxes. 0 or empty does not include boxes.

  • inventoryType:* (optional) (string:5). valid values: all or M, L, S, P (OpenMarket, Local, Standing Order, and Prebook), M is the default option. You can enter different values separated by commas (L, S, P). With "all" you will include all the options.

  • excludeHeldItems (optional)(boolean: 1 or 0): default 0. If it's 1, the response will exclude items that are in hold.

  • lotNumber (optional)(integer: 6): Lot number that identifies the inventory item. 

  • locationId (optional)(integer:20): location Komet Sales internal ID. You can obtain this value from the location.list API method. This only applies to companies in Multi-Location mode.

https://api.kometsales.com/api/inventory.list? authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here&locationid=2321



  • status (integer:1): Transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure/error.

  • message (string:500): Contains a status description of the request.

  • inventoryItems: Array of available inventory items.

    • companyProductId (integer:20): ID of the product.

    • orderItemId (integer:20): Inventory Item ID.

    • grade (string:100): Grade or product cut point.

    • productDescription (string:200): Product description.

    • productCode (optional)(string:50): Product legacy code.

    • quantity (integer:20): Number of available boxes.

    • totalUnits (integer:20): Total units. When unit type is bunch this is the number of total bunches; when the unit type is stem this is the number of total stems.

    • growerId (integer: 20): Grower or Vendor ID.

    • growerName (string:200): Grower or Vendor name.

    • boxTypeId (integer:20): Box type ID.

    • boxTypeCode (string:3): Code for the size of the box (i.e. FB, EB, etc.).

    • unitType (string:5): Unit type (Bunch or Stem).

    • bunches (integer:20): Number of bunches per box.

    • unitsPerBox (integer:20): Units per box or pack.

    • stemsBunch (integer:20): Number of stems per bunch.

    • inventoryDate (date): Inventory date.

    • price (decimal:10,2): Unit price or price per individual item. Not available when the token used is type Vendor.

    • sellFast (boolean: true/false): Indicates if the item qualifies as sell-fast.

    • localAfter (integer:10): The number of days set for the category of the product in the local after setting.

    • isAssorted (boolean: true/false): Indicates if this item is assorted or it has breakdowns.

    • category (string: 200): Category name.

    • awb (string:20): Air Way Bill number.

    • unitCost (decimal:10,2): Unit cost.

    • landedCost (decimal: 10,2): Unit Landed Cost.

    • reference (string:100): Item reference.

    • lotNumber (integer:10): Lot number.

    • markCode (string:20): Mark code or item label.

    • aging (integer:20): The amount of time (in days) the item has been in inventory.

    • breakdowns: Array of breakdowns (empty when isAssorted is false).

      • assortedCompositionId (integer:20): Breakdown item ID.

      • productId (integer:20): Product ID.

      • productDescription (string:200): Breakdown product description.

      • bunches (integer:20): Number of bunches.

      • stemsBunch (integer:20): Number of stems per bunch.

      • cost (decimal:10,2): Unit cost.

      • price (decimal:10,2): Unit price. Not available when the token used is type Vendor.

Sample Response

{ "message": "success", "status": "1", "inventoryItems": [ { "companyProductId": 999999, "orderItemId": 9999999, "grade": "60 Cm", "productDescription": "Agapanthus Blue Crme de la Crme 60 Cm", "quantity": 85, "totalUnits": 12240, "growerId": 21738, "growerName": "Follajes La Luna", "boxTypeId": 900, "boxTypeCode": "FB", "unitType": "Stem", "bunches": 12, "unitsPerBox": 144, "stemsBunch": 12, "inventoryDate": "2014-03-02", "price": 3.01389, "sellFast": false, "isAssorted": false, "category": "Agapanthus", "awb": "131322", "unitCost": 2, "localAfter": 7, "landedCost": 2.17, "reference": "text for reference", "lotNumber": "4308", "markCode": "text for mark code", "aging": 10, "breakdowns": [ { "assorteCompositionId": 9999, "productDescription": "text for product description", "productId": 99999, "bunches": 10, "stemsBunch": 12, "cost": 0.56, "price": 1.25 } ] } ] }

Valid Tokens: Company and Vendor.

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