Upload Inventory in Boxes


Komet Sales allows manually adding items to the inventory. However, users are allowed to upload inventory directly into the system by using an Excel file. This article explains how to do it.


The system allows to upload an Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) with a certain structure; all the records on it will be added to the Komet Sales inventory in boxes. Please follow the following instructions in order to upload inventory:

To Upload Mixed Boxes...

To upload mixed boxes, make sure to keep in mind the following rules:

  • The Parent Line Breakdown # is required for mixed boxes. All the product lines (including the parent line) within a breakdown must have the same number in this column so the system knows the belong to the same box.

  • The first product row that appears from top to bottom will be the parent line.
  • You should submit either the product description or the product code for the breakdown product lines.

Data Import

This process can also be carried out from the Data Import section.

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