Get a detailed list of Vendor Availability Purchase Orders

Get a detailed list of Vendor Availability Purchase Orders

Use this method to get a detailed list of Purchase Orders from Vendor Availability based on the applied filters.

Valid Tokens: Company.

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URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/purchase.order.va.details.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

purchaseOrderNumbers (required if purchaseOrderItemIds is not sent)(string:200)

Purchase Order number. 

You may send a set of numbers separated by commas.

purchaseOrderItemIds (required if purchaseOrderNumbers is not sent)(string:200)

Purchase Order Item ID.

You can send multiple IDs separating each value with a comma.

 shipDate (optional)(date)

Shipping date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

https://api.kometsales.com/api/purchase.order.va.details.list?authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here&shipDate=2015-07-24 &purchaseOrderItemIds=123445,2342343


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

purchaseOrders (array)

An array containing Purchase Orders.

id (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Purchase Order ID.

number (integer:10)

Purchase Order number.

shipDate (date)

Order ship date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

details (array)

An array containing Purchase Order details.

poItemId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal PO Item ID.

vendorAvailabilityDetails (array)

An array containing Vendor Availability items associated with this line of the order.

productDescription (string:200)

Product description.

availableFrom (date)

The date when the product was available from the vendor.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

postHarvest (string:20)


unitType (string:20)

Unit type.

Valid values: Stem or Bunch.

unitsAllocated (integer:10)

Number of units allocated to this line of the order.

downgraded (boolean)

If the product was downgraded.

Valid values: True | False

originalProductDescription (string:200)

Original product where the item was downgraded from. 

{ "status": 1, "message": "Successful", "purchaseOrders": [ { "id": 1358112, "number": "P002296", "shipDate": "2016-12-15", "details": [ { "poItemId": 5131941, "vendorAvailabilityDetails": [ { "productDescription": "Roses Yellow Yokohama 70", "availableFrom": "2016-12-10", "postHarvest": "C4", "downgraded": false, "originalProductDescription": "", "unitType": "Bunch", "unitsAllocated": 2 } ] }, { "poItemId": 5131943, "vendorAvailabilityDetails": [ { "productDescription": "Yellow Roses Yokohama 50", "availableFrom": "2016-12-10", "postHarvest": "C4", "downgraded": true, "originalProductDescription": "Roses Yellow Yokohama 70", "unitType": "Stem", "unitsAllocated": 27 } ] }, { "poItemId": 5131947, "vendorAvailabilityDetails": [ { "productDescription": "Yellow Roses Yokohama 50", "availableFrom": "2016-12-10", "postHarvest": "C4", "downgraded": true, "originalProductDescription": "Roses Yellow Yokohama 60", "unitType": "Bunch", "unitsAllocated": 9 } ] } ] } ] }

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