The system allows users to set the real AWB cost by entering the freight, duties, and handling cost that an AWB invoice may contain. This option is only available for vendors type Freight/Handling.
User Roles: Admin, Accounts Payable.
The system allows you to identify those AWBs which don't stay in the warehouse once they arrive. The boxes are scanned and the products in transit continue to their final destination.(Click on the image to see the detail):
Invoices associated with AWB can only be approved or rejected by authorized users. Read Allow Invoice Approval on Reconciliation Screens for further information.
In order to calculate the product's landed cost, the system calculates the estimated freight value based on the information entered in the financial settings. Once the user has the real cost of the AWB, the information can be updated on the system to show the real landed cost for products on the AWB. Please keep in mind that an increase or decrease in these charges will affect your GPM.
Table of Contents
Enter the Real AWB Cost
To upload AWB invoices, follow the steps below:
Go to A/P >AWB Reconciliation> Go to the Actions or Total Cost column and click on the Set AWB Cost link.
The AWB Cost window will pop up. In this window, users will have two options to set the real AWB cost:
Option 1: Manually enter the Freight, Handling, and Duties for the AWB invoice. Once this information is entered, the system will automatically calculate the Total Cost per unit of all products within the AWB and will override the original estimates from the financial settings, causing a recalculation of the landed cost (for products in units or boxes in all the system screens).
Option 2: Users can upload an attachment of the AWB invoices. The user will click on the Upload AWB Invoice green button. A window called AWB Invoice will appear, fill out the requested information and search or drag the invoice file to upload. Then, click on Save.
info: When entering $0 on the Freight or Handling fields, the system will leave that cost as 0$ whereas if you leave these fields in blank, the system will use the estimated value.After clicking on Save, the window will expand to display additional information about the Type, Amount, and Description of the charge. Finally, click on Add.
After clicking on Add, the users will see another line with the information of the charge added to that invoice. If done adding all charges within that invoice, click on the Close button, and the system will show the invoice with all the charges added.
After uploading the invoice, the user will have the option to Approve, Edit, Delete or View that invoice by going to the Actions column.
Once the user reviews the invoice, the invoice can be approved; then these charges will have to be approved by accounting and transferred to the external accounting system (if this option is available).
info: The process above will cause the system to automatically re-calculate the freight per unit for items in the AWB. This calculation will override the original estimates from the financial settings. In addition to this, the landed cost per unit will be recalculated using the real freight, so keep in mind that your GPM might be affected either in a positive or a negative way.The user can also download the invoice after it has been approved.
The user will have the option to compare the Real AWB cost with the Estimated AWB cost that the system calculates with the Financial Settings. The system will show a green arrow when the Estimated value is higher than the Real value, and a red arrow when the Real value is higher than the Estimated value. Please see the image below:
An invoice can also be canceled from here by authorized users. Once an invoice is approved, click on the Actions box and you will be able to view the invoice details or cancel it.
Enter the AWB Weight
While you are entering the AWB cost based on your vendor invoices, the system will also estimate the Weight per AWB. The Current weight will be estimated based on the weight entered per box in the Box Dimensions setup for the products within the AWB or in the Staging Area. The system will also calculate the Average Weight, which is obtained dividing the Total Weight by the FBE of the AWB.
The AWB chargeable weight can be manually entered based on the information sent by your vendor. Notice of there is a difference between the Current weight and the chargeable weight, the system will alert about it.
Underweight: the system will display a red arrow.
Edit Invoices
The system will allow users to edit the information previously entered or uploaded.
If no invoice attachment was uploaded, follow the next steps:
Go to the Actions or Total Cost column and click on the "Change the AWB Cost" link.
Enter the new Freight, Handling or Duties information and click on Save. The total cost will be recalculated.
If the user uploaded an invoice to the system, the invoice must have a "Pending Approval" status in order for it to be edited. In order to do so:
Go to Actions or Total Cost column and click on the "Change the AWB Cost" link.
Go to the Actions column next to the invoice that needs to be changed and click on Edit.
A new window will pop up for the user to edit the information entered. Edit the information needed and click on Save.
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