Add a new Customer to Komet Sales
Use this method to add a new Customer to Komet Sales.
Valid Tokens: Company.
Related Articles
Add a Carrier (API)
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Method: POST
Content-Type: application/JSON
Input Parameters
authenticationToken (required)(string:50)
Komet Sales security token.
name (required)(string:200)
Customer name.
code (optional)(string:10)
Customer code.
locationCodes (optional) (string:50)
The Location code from Locations associated to the Customer.
Only applies to Multi-Location companies.
Each Location code must be separated by a colon.
Existing values will be overridden.
type (optional)(integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Customer Type ID.
It should be one of the customer-type IDs from the company.
Since this list doesn't come from an API method yet, you should get this list of IDs from the Komet Sales team.
phone (optional)(string:20)
The Customer’s phone number.
fax (optional)(string:20)
The Customer’s fax number.
website (optional)(string:50)
The Customer’s website address.
terms (optional)(string:50)
The Payment Terms that will apply to this Customer.
Example: Net 7, Net 15, Net 30, etc.
emailForInvoices (optional)(string:200)
The Customer’s email address where the system will send the Invoices.
To enter multiple addresses, separate each address with a semicolon.
emailForStatements (optional)(string:200)
The Customer’s email address where the system will send Statements.
To enter multiple addresses, separate each address with a semicolon.
creditHold (optional)(boolean:1)
If the Customer is on credit hold.
Valid values: 1 = On Hold | 0 Not on Hold
creditLimit (optional)(decimal:10,2)
The Customer’s credit limit.
Leaving this field empty gives unlimited credit to the Customer.
paymentMethod (optional)(string:50)
The name of the payment method.
You can get this value from the payment.method.list API method.
chargeFuelSurcharge (optional)(boolean:1)
The system should add fuel surcharge to this Customer.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No
chargeTax (optional)(boolean:1)
The system should charge taxes to this Customer.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No
sendInvoiceVia (optional)(string:50)
Methods to send Invoices.
Separate each value with a comma.
Valid values: e-mail, fax, email.
sendStatementVia (optional)(string:50)
Methods to send Statements.
Separate each value with a comma.
Valid values: e-mail, fax, email.
defaultPrice (optional)(string:1)
Default Price for the customer.
Valid values: A and B.
markupValue (optional)(number: 5)
Markup value that will be added to the default price.
The unit-type depends on the value set in markupType
markupType (optional)(string: 1)
The unit-type for the mark-up price.
This unit-type is used for the markupValue
Valid values: $ or %
defaultShippingNotes (optional)(string:200)
Default shipping notes for this Customer’s orders.
billingStreet (optional)(string:200)
The street of the Customer’s billing address.
billingCity (optional)(string:50)
The city of the Customer’s billing address.
billingState (optional)(string:50)
The state of the Customer’s billing address.
billingZipcode (optional)(string:10)
The zip code of the Customer’s billing address.
billingCountry (optional)(string:50)
The country of the Customer’s billing address.
The Customer’s group name.
shippingStreet (optional)(string:200)
The street of the Customer’s shipping address.
shippingCity (optional)(string:50)
The city of the Customer’s shipping address.
shippingState (optional)(string:50)
The state of the Customer’s shipping address.
shippingZipcode (optional)(string:10)
The zip code of the Customer’s shipping address.
shippingCountry (optional)(string:50)
The country of the Customer’s shipping address.
Show FOB price to the Customer.
Valid values: 1 Show | 0 = Hide
The Komet Sales Login Username of the Salesperson when the product-type is Flowers.
The Komet Sales Login Username of the Salesperson when the product-type is Plants.
salesPersonCodeForFlowers (optional)(string:20)
The Flowers Salesperson code.
You can find the salesperson code in Setup > Users. To learn more, read Sales Codes.
salesPersonCodeForPlants (optional)(string:20)
The Plants Salesperson code.
You can find the salesperson code in Setup > Users. To learn more, read Sales Codes.
associateAllLocations (optional) (boolean)
Associate the Customer to every active Location.
Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 2 = No
mainLocationCode (optional) (string:10)
The Customer’s main Location code.
Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.
lastSalesDate (optional)(date)
The last sale date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
isCustomerPORequired (optional)(boolean:1)
Require a Customer PO for this Customer’s orders from any of the sales screens.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 2 = No
crmLink (optional)(string:500)
The URL of the external CRM system from the Customer.
The Customer’s Tax Exemption number.
tags (optional)(string:200)
Tags associated with the Customer.
Separate each tag with a comma.
vatCode (optional)(string:50)
The Customer’s Value-Added Tax (VAT) code.
Require a payment to confirm an order.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 2 = No
The finance charge percentage in numbers.
Do not include the % symbol.
territory (optional)(string:50)
The Customer’s territory name.
accountingCode (optional)(string:50)
The Customer’s Accounting code.
eCommerceMarkupSign (optional)(string:1)
The E-Commerce Mark-up unit-type.
Valid values: $ or %
eCommerceMarkupValue (optional)(decimal:10,2)
The E-Commerce Mark-up value.
displayVendor (optional)(integer:1)
Display Vendor information to the Customer.
Valid values: 1 = Display only the Vendor code | 2 = Display only the Vendor’s name | 0 = Hide all Vendor information
checkOutNotificationTo (optional)(string:200)
The email address where the system will send checkout notifications.
You can add multiple addresses by separating them with a colon.
showArrivalDate (optional)(boolean:1)
Show the arrival date to the Customer.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 2 = No
ecommerceShipVia (optional)(integer:1)
Select the Ship Via for this Customer.
Valid values: 0 = Warehouse | 1 = Vendor | 2 = Customer can choose
"name":"ABC Wholesale",
"phone":"054 474 3222",
"fax":"054 474 3223",
"terms":"Net 30",
"billingStreet":"900 Brickell Avenue # 0001",
status (integer:1)
Transaction status.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
customerId (integer:20)
The Komet Sales internal Customer ID.
"message":"The customer was successfully saved.",