Get a Customer’s detailed information

Get a Customer’s detailed information

Use this method to get the details of a specific customer.

Valid Tokens: Company and Customer.


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/customer.details.get

Method: GET

Content type: URL parameters

Input Parameters

authenticationToken (required) (string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

customerId (required) (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method. 

https://api.kometsales.com/api/customer.details.get? authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here&customerId=625


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

customer (array)

An array containing Customer information. 

name (string:200)

Customer’s name.

code (string:10)

Customer code.

customerType (string:20)

Customer type.

For example: Wholesales, Retailer, etc.

billAddress (string:200)

Customer’s billing address.

billCity (string:200)

Billing address city.

billState (string:200)

Billing address State.

billZipCode (string:10)

Billing address Zip code.

billCountry (string:200)

Billing address country.

shipAddress (string:200)

Shipping address street.

shipCity (string:200)

Shipping address city.

shipState (string:200)

Shipping address state.

shipZipCode (string:10)

Shipping address Zip code.

shipCountry (string:200)

Shipping address country.

emailForInvoices (string:200)

Email address where the system will send Invoices to the Customer.

emailForStatements (string:200)

Email address where the system will send Statements to the Customer.

phone (string:20)

Phone number.

fax (string:20)

Fax number. 

defaultPrice (string:1)

Price applied to the Customer.

Valid values: A or B 

priceBMarkup (string: 10)

Price B markup in percentage.

priceSellFastMarkup (string: 10)

Price markup for Sell Fast items in percentage.

creditLimit (decimal:10,2)

Customer’s credit limit.

balance (decimal: 10,2)

Open Customer balance for Invoices and Credits.

lastSaleDate (date)

The date when the last sale was made.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

lastPaymentDate (date)

The date when the last payment was applied.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

customerSince (date)

The date when the Customer was created in Komet Sales.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD 

paymentTerms (string:50)

Payment Terms.

For example: Net 7, Net 15, Net 30, etc.

chargeFuelSurcharge (boolean)

If the Customer pays fuel surcharge.

chargeTax (boolean)

If the Customer gets taxes added to the Invoice. 

creditHold (boolean)

If the Customer is on credit hold. 

active (boolean)

If the customer is active. 

tags (string:200)

Tags associated to the Customer separated by a comma.

awardValue (string:40)

The number of points the Customer has.

Only available if the company has the setting customerAwardKeyword enabled.

taxes (array)

An array containing accounting codes associated to the Customer.

name (string:25)

The applied tax name.

value (decimal:10,2)

Tax percentage rate.

mainLocationId (string:10)

Customer’s main Location ID.

Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

daysOfService (array)

An array containing the Customer’s days of service with Carrier information.

In Multi-Location companies, this information is for the main Location.

weekday (string)

An array containing the days of the week when the Customer has service available.

carrierId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Carrier ID.

carrierCode (string:10)

Carrier code.

carrierName (string:200)

Carrier name.

ecommerceMarkup (string: 10)

E-Commerce Mark up applied to every e-commerce transaction in percentage.

salespersonForFlowers (array)

An array containing the information of the Salesperson for flower-type products.

name (string:200)

Name of the Salesperson. 

phone (string:20)

Phone number.

email (string:200)

Email address.

salespersonForPlants (array)

An array containing the information of the Salesperson for plant-type products.

name (string:200)

Name of the Salesperson. 

phone (string:20)

Phone number.

email (string:200)

Email address.

{ "message": "success", "status": "1", "customer": { "name": "ABC Wholesale", "code": "ABC", "customerType": "Wholesaler", "billAddress" : "123 Test Road Suite 101", "billCity" : "Tampa", "billState" : "FL", "billZipCode" : "76223", "billCountry" : "USA", "shipAddress" : "123 Test Road Suite 101", "shipCity" : "Tampa", "shipState" : "FL", "shipZipCode" : "76223", "shipCountry" : "USA", "emailForInvoices": "invoices@abwholesale.com", "emailForStatements": "statements@abwholesale.com", "phone": "987-892-8997", "fax": "900-892-8997", "defaultPrice": "A", "priceBMarkup": "10%", "priceSellFastMarkup": "10%", "creditLimit": "10000.00", "balance": "2000.00", "lastSaleDate":"2016-07-08", "lastPaymentDate":"2016-05-30", "customerSince":"2013-05-01", "paymentTerms":"Net 30", "chargeFuelSurcharge": true, "chargeTax": false, "active": true, "tags": "primary, rateA", "taxes": [], "ecommerceMarkup": "10%", "salespersonForFlowers": { "name": "Jhon Doe", "phone": "987-892-8997", "email": "jhon.doe@demoflowers.com" }, "salespersonForPlants": { "name": "Joe Smith", "phone": "987-892-8997", "email": "joe.smith@demoflowers.com" }, "daysOfService": { "Monday": { "carrierId": 4309, "carrierCode": "35EN", "carrierName": "35EN" }, "Tuesday": { "carrierId": 4299, "carrierCode": "COTK", "carrierName": "COTK" }, "Wednesday": { "carrierId": 4299, "carrierCode": "COTK", "carrierName": "COTK" } } } }

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