Create multiple Prebooks
Use this method to create multiple Prebooks in Komet Sales.
Valid Tokens: Company.
Related Articles
Delete a Prebook 1.0 (API)
Allocations (Knowledge Base)
Create a Prebook (Knowledge Base)
Prebooks (Knowledge Base)
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/JSON
Input Parameters
authenticationToken (required)(string:50)
Komet Sales security token.
customerCode (required)(string:20)
Customer code.
customerName (required)(string:200)
Customer name.
customerBillingStreet (required) (string:200)
Customer billing street address.
customerBillingCity (required)(string:200)
Customer billing address city.
customerBillingState (required)(string:200)
Customer billing address state.
customerBillingZipcode (required)(string:200)
Customer billing address ZIP code.
customerBillingCountry (required)(string:200)
Customer billing address country.
customerShippingStreet (required)(string:200)
Customer shipping address street.
customerShippingCity (required)(string:200)
Customer shipping address city.
customerShippingState (required)(string:200)
Customer shipping address state.
customerShippingZipcode (required)(string:200)
Customer shipping address ZIP code.
customerShippingCountry (required)(string:200)
Customer shipping address country.
customerPhone (required)(string:100)
Customer phone.
shipViaId (logical)(integer:1)
Location’s Ship Via ID.
Valid values: 0 = Warehouse | 1 = Grower
customerPO (optional)(string:20)
Customer Purchase Order number.
autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks (optional)(integer:1)
Generate Purchase Orders from the Prebooks.
If you want to automatically generate the Purchase Orders, you must enter the vendorCode
, vendorName
and costs
Created orders will have Approved status.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No
Default is zero.
companyLocationCode (required)(string:20)
Location code.
Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.
prebookItems (array)
An array containing products.
carrierCode (required)(string:20)
Carrier code.
carrierName (required)(string:200)
Carrier name.
shipDate (required)(date)
Shipping date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
identifier (required)(string:30)
Use this field to identify product lines and receive the same value in the response.
vendorCode (required if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks
= 1)(string:20)
Vendor or Grower code.
vendorName (required: if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks
= 1)(string:200)
Vendor or Grower name.
productCode (required)(string:20)
Product code.
productDescription (required)(string:200)
Product description.
boxTypeCode (required)(string:3)
Box type code.
boxes (required)(integer:10)
Number of boxes.
unitType (required) (string:5)
Unit type.
Valid values: Stem or Bunch
bunches (required)(integer:10)
Bunches per box.
stemsBunch (required)(integer:10)
Stems per Bunch.
cost (required: if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks
= 1)(decimal:10,2)
Cost per Unit according to the selected unitType
price (required)(decimal:10,2)
Price per Unit according to the selected unitType
markCode (optional)(string:50)
Item mark code.
notes (optional)(string:200)
Additional notes.
boxWeight (optional)(decimal:10,2)
Weight of one box in kilograms.
boxLength (optional)(decimal:10,2)
Length of one box in inches.
boxWidth (optional)(decimal:10,2)
Width of one box in inches.
boxHeight (optional)(decimal:10,2)
Height of one box in inches.
"authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
"customerCode": "ANG",
"customerName": "Ang Flowers",
"customerBillingStreet": "900 Avenue # 5434",
"customerBillingCity": "Miami",
"customerBillingState": "Florida",
"customerBillingZipcode": "24534",
"customerBillingCountry": "USA",
"customerShippingStreet": "900 Avenue # 5434",
"customerShippingCity": "Miami",
"customerShippingState": "Florida",
"customerShippingZipcode": "24534",
"customerShippingCountry": "USA",
"customerPO": "2926",
"customerPhone": "(864) 242-43432",
"shipViaId": "1",
"carrierCode": "FX",
"shipDate": "2015-09-11",
"identifier": "2926-1",
"vendorCode": "ABC",
"vendorName": "Flores ABC",
"productCode": "Rs55B",
"productDescription":"Roses 55cm Blue",
"boxTypeCode": "HB",
"unitType": "Stem",
"boxes": 5,
"bunches": 10,
"stemsBunch": 2,
"cost": 0.70,
"price": 2.50,
"markCode": "text for mark code",
"notes": "text for notes"
status (integer:1)
Transaction status.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
items (array)
An array containing products in the Prebook.
identifier (string:20)
Line ID value.
status: (integer:1)
Transaction status.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
prebookId (integer:20)
Prebook ID.
prebookNumber (string:10)
Prebook number.
prebookItemId (integer:10)
Product line ID.
purchaseOrderNumber (string:20)
Purchase Order number iif autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks
is given.
"status": "1",
"message": "Prebooks ware successfully created.",
"items": [
"identifier": "2926-1",
"status": 1,
"message": "Item successfully added to the order",
"prebookId": 2543545,
"prebookNumber": "432342",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "P034534",
"prebookItemId": 3427612