Get a Prebook list

Get a Prebook list

Use this method to get a list of Prebooks.

Valid Tokens: Company.

Take the following statements into account when applying filters:

  • The maximum date range for this request is six months.

  • Filtering by prebook, date, customerId, carrierId, salesPersonId,locationId, brandId, soNumber, and customerPONumber uses an exact match.

  • Filtering by customer and carrier uses a "LIKE" expression.

  • Filters are not case sensitive.


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/prebook.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)

Komet Sales security token.

dateFrom (required)(date)

The Prebook Truck Date from.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

dateTo (required)(date)

The Prebook Truck Date to.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

prebook (optional)(integer:10)

The Prebook number.

customer (optional)(string:200)

The Customer’s name or code.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

customerId (optional)(integer:20)

The Customer’s Komet Sales internal ID.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

carrierName (optional)(string:200)

The Carrier’s name.

carrierId (optional)(integer:20)

The Carrier ID.

You can get this value from the carrier.list API method.

salesPersonId (optional)(integer:20)

The Customer's salesperson ID.

soNumber (optional)(integer:20)

The Standing Order number.

customerPONumber (optional)(integer:20)

The Customer’s PO number.

CompanyLocationId (optional)(integer:20)

The Komet Sales Location internal ID.

brandId (optional)(integer:20)

The Komet Sales internal Vendor’s Brand ID.

prebookStatus (optional)(string)

The Prebook status. It must be previously created.

For more information, read Prebook Status.

isEcommerce (optional)(boolean)

Only show E-Commerce orders.

Valid values: 1 = Only E-Commerce | 0 = Phone / Regular Orders

checkOutStatus (optional)(boolean)

Request only checked-out or pending orders. 

Valid values: 0 = Pending | 1 = Checked Out

updatedAsOf (optional)(dateTime)

Use this key to filter by orders created or updated after a specific date and time.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

https://api.kometsales.com/api/prebook.list? authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here& dateFrom=2016-07-10&dateTo=2016-07-30


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

prebooks (array)

The array of Prebooks.

id (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Prebook ID.

number (integer:10)

The Invoice number.

locationId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.

locationName (string:200)

The Location name.

locationCode (string:20)

The Location code.

totalBoxes (integer:10)

The total amount of boxes.

totalPrice (decimal:10,2)

The total amount of the order.

customerName (string:200)

The Customer’s name.

customerId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

customerCode (string:20)

The Customer’s code.

salesPersonId (integer:20)

The Customer's Salesperson ID.

shipName (string:200)

Ship To name.

shipCity (string:200)

The shipping address city name.

shipState (string:200)

The shipping address state.

shipAddress (string:200)

Shipping address.

shipZipCode (string:10)

The shipping address zip code.

shipCountry (string:200)

The shipping address country name.

type (string:1)

Order type.

Valid Values: S = Standing Orders | P = Standalone Prebooks | D = Doubles

truckDate (date)

The order’s ship date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

createdOn (DateTime)

The time (GMT) when the Prebook was created or last updated.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

createdBy (string)

The name of the person who created the Prebook.

customerPONumber (string:20)

The Customer’s PO number.

carrierId (integer:20)

The Komet Sales internal Carrier ID.

carrierName (string:200)

The Carrier’s name.

shipvia (string:10)

The Ship Via source.

Valid Values: Warehouse or Grower. 

comments (string:200)

Order notes.

prebookStatus (string)

The Prebook status. It must be previously created. 

checkOutStatus (boolean)

The status of the order.

Valid values: 0 = Pending | 1 = Checked Out

isEcommerce (integer:1)

If the order is from E-Commerce.

Valid values: 1 = E-Commerce | 0 = Phone/Regular order

{ "message": "OK", "status": 1, "prebooks": [ { "id": 1927173, "number": 13010, "customerName": "AB Flower Shop", "customerCode": 34325, "customerId": 34325, "shipName": "Store 1", "shipCity": "Miami", "shipState": "FL", "shipAddress": "Street 21 Av 90", "shipZipCode": "32009", "shipCountry": "USA", "carrierId": 1207, "shipVia": "Warehouse", "carrierName": "American Airlines", "truckDate": "2016-07-10", "type": "P", "prebookStatus": "None", "checkOutStatus": "1", "totalPrice": "3,501.50", "totalBoxes": "3", "isEcommerce": "0" }, { "id": 1949612, "number": 1394, "customerName": "Eric's Flowers", "customerCode": "6529", "customerId": 6529, "shipName": "Store 2", "shipCity": "Miami", "shipState": "FL", "shipAddress": "Street 15 Av 80", "shipZipCode": "32010", "shipCountry": "USA", "carrierId": 1204, "shipVia": "Warehouse", "carrierName": "Armellini", "truckDate": "2016-07-11", "type": "S", "prebookStatus": "None", "checkOutStatus": "0", "totalPrice": "554.40", "totalBoxes": "3", "isEcommerce": "1" } ] }



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