Add a Vendor Availability Item to a Prebook

Add a Vendor Availability Item to a Prebook

Use this method to add an item from Vendor Availability to an existing Prebook in Komet Sales.

Valid Tokens: Company.

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URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/prebook.vendor.availability.item.add

Method: POST

Content-Type: application/JSON

Input Parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

prebookId (required)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Prebook ID.

You can get this value from the prebook.create API method.

inventoryIds (required)(integer:20)

Vendor Availability Item ID.

You can get this value from the vendor.availability.items.list API method.

quantity (required)(integer:10)

Number of boxes.

price (required) (decimal:10,2)

Unit price.

markCode (optional)(string:20)

Item mark code.

boxTypeId (optional)(integer: 10)

Box-Type ID.

This field is not required for K2K transactions. 

boxTypeCode (optional) (string:3)

Box-Type code. 

This field is not required for K2K transactions. 

stemsBunch (optional)(integer: 5)

Number of Stems per Bunch. 

This field is not required for K2K transactions.

unitType (optional)(string: 10)

Unit type.

Valid values: Stem or Bunch. 

This field is not required for K2K transactions. 

bunches (optional)(integer: 10)

Number of Bunches per Box. 

This field is not required for K2K transactions.

{ "authenticationToken": "your_token_goes_here", "prebookId": 454371, "inventoryIds": "428545, 428544", "quantity": 1, "price": 1 }


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

prebookItemId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Prebook Item ID.

{ "status":1, "message":"Item was successfully added to the order Item was successfully added.", "prebookItemId":930125 }

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