Get a list of available Carriers for a specific date
Use this method to get a list of available carriers for a specific customer and dates.
Valid Tokens: Customer.
The number of days shown on this API method depends on the days your company allows the customers to place orders in advance on the E-commerce site. This method considers On Hand, Future, and Vendor Availability inventories.
Related Articles
Drop sequence (Knowledge Base)
Carriers (Knowledge Base)
Add and Manage Carriers (Knowledge Base)
Cubes by Carrier (Knowledge Base)
Method: GET
Content-Type: URL Parameters
Input parameters
authenticationToken (required)(string:50)
Komet Sales security token.
customerId (required)(integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Customer ID.
You can get this value from the customer.list API method.
companyLocationId (required)(integer:20)
Location ID.
Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.
You can get this value from the location.list API method.
inventoryOrigin (optional)(integer:1)
Inventory origin.
Valid values: 1 = On Hand | 2 = Future Inventory | 3 = Vendor Availability
"authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
"customerId": 6236,
"inventoryOrigin": 2
status (integer:1)
Transaction status.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
deliverDates (array)
An array containing days when the product can be shipped or received by the Customer considering the Show arrival date instead of ship date setting.
defaultCarriersByDate (array)
An array containing the default Carriers for each date specified in deliverDates
carrierDate (array)
An array containing the available Carriers for each day.
carrierId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Carrier ID.
carrierName (string:200)
Carrier name.
"status": 1,
"message": "OK",
"deliverDates": [
"defaultCarriersByDate": {
"02/29/2016": {
"carrierId": 4232,
"carrierName": "Air Canada"
"03/01/2016": {
"carrierId": 4232,
"carrierName": "Air Canada"
"02/29/2016": [
"carrierId": 4232,
"carrierName": "Air Canada"
"carrierId": 4233,
"carrierName": "Armellini"
"carrierId": 4235,
"carrierName": "Fedex"
"03/01/2016": [
"carrierId": 4232,
"carrierName": "Air Canada"