

In this article, you will learn about automations in the K2K Network and how to use them to improve operations.

User Roles: Admin and Setup.

K2K Network Automations

Automating K2K transactions saves time and simplifies sales with invoice sync, automatic uploads, and purchase order creation.

Each automation has a specific function:

  • Allow Automatic Invoice Synchronization with the Buyer Company. When enabled, confirmed K2K order invoices are automatically uploaded to the Buyer Company for reconciliation.

  • Allow Invoices coming from K2K orders to be automatically uploaded. When enabled, confirmed invoices from K2K orders are uploaded automatically to your system for reconciliation. This only applies if the vendor company also has the K2K Network automation enabled.

  • Automatically create separate Purchase Orders for E-Commerce purchases. When enabled, the system will create different Purchase Orders regardless of the PO consolidation settings.

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Enable Automations

To enable K2K automations, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on Automations from the K2K Network group of settings.

  3. Check the box of the automations you want to enable.

  4. Click on Save.

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Enable automation from the K2K Network settings.


Turn off the Allow Automatic Invoice Synchronization with the Buyer Company setting from the K2K Network Vendor Settings.

Some automations require the Vendor and Buyer companies to have them enabled. If you followed the process described above and they are not working, contact your K2K partner and ask them to enable them too.

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