Getting Started with the K2K Network

Getting Started with the K2K Network

The Komet to Komet Network (K2K Network) is an integration that connects two companies in the floral industry that use Komet Sales to simplify procurement process and expand sales through different channels. In this article you will learn the basics of K2K.

K2K for Sales and Procurement

Komet offers two modalities that you can use according to your company’s needs:

Komet to Komet for Procurement: with this feature, one company can transfer Purchase Orders from their system directly to their vendor company's system, allowing them to provide easy and effortlessly the products needed.

Komet to Komet for Salesone company (Vendor Company) projects their on-hand inventory on the Buyer Company's platform without the latter committing to purchase any item until they are requested by the end customer. The Vendor Company inventory will be “available” through all their customer’s sales channels, including e-commerce.


Komet to Komet offers businesses personalized benefits that fit their needs. Our K2K for Sales is great for companies who want more sales channels. It shows customers how much inventory is available without pressure to buy and our K2K for Procurement makes it easy for businesses to tell their vendors what products they need.

Expand Your Sales Network

K2K lets Buyer Companies show their vendor’s available inventory on e-commerce without even purchasing items yet, as well as create Prebooks and Purchase Orders using the Products Available on the Open Market Inventory of Vendor Companies. Vendor Companies will multiply their sales channels since the products published will be visible in all Buyer Company channels. The system will automatically recalculate the availability in real-time as it is being purchased from all parties. For further information, read K2K for Sales.

Transfer and Receive Product Needs Automatically

Companies can transfer and receive purchasing needs between systems. With this automated process, Vendor Companies fulfill Purchase Orders and ship the flowers so Buyer Companies can invoice them to their customers. For further information, read K2K - Procurement.

Direct Shipments

K2K Integration allows the shipping of products directly from the Vendor Company to the final customer. This option work for both K2K modalities: K2K for Sales and K2K for Procurement.

K2K for Sales: If the Buyer Company selects Ship Via Option as "Grower", the system won't take into account the AWB freight, handling costs, duties, or inbound truck freight in the landed cost calculation in order to suggest a selling price. The system will only consider the flower cost and the GPM. If users select Ship Via Grower on Prebooks or E-commerce orders for products coming from a K2K integration in the Buyer Company, the system will associate the customer information of the Prebook as a Ship To in the Vendor Company's invoice.

K2K for Procurement: When the product is sent from the Vendor Company to the Buyer Company and the Prebook created by the Buyer Company has the Ship Via Grower option set up, the system automatically confirms the products from the Staging Area to the inventory.

if you don't want your final customers to know who your vendor is, read Display Vendor Name or Code for E-commerce.

Label Unification

 The Shipping Labels that Vendor Companies use to ship the product can be used as Receiving Labels on the Buyer Company (also called vendor company). This way, companies avoid double-printing labels.


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