Vendor Availability

Vendor Availability


Komet Sales provides the possibility to view, in real time, what availability vendors currently have or will have for future weeks. The system allows you to upload a CSV file with the list of products that will be available to be purchased.

Once this CSV file is uploaded, the sales team will be able to create Prebooks for any customer based on the vendor's current or future availability. Please keep in mind that if a vendor shares this list with other companies that use Komet Sales, the availability of products will decrease in real time as sales are generated by those other companies.

To activate this option:

  • Send an email request to Komet Sales Support.

  • In the email, please be sure to include the name of the vendor (s) for whom the Vendor Availability option should be activated. Once this has been completed, you will receive a specific Vendor ID per vendor. This vendor ID will be required in the Vendor ID column of the CSV file in order to upload the availability, without the vendor ID, the CSV file will not upload.

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