Upload the Vendor Availability File
In this article, you will learn how to upload the Vendor Availability File into your Komet Sales account.
User Roles: Administrator, Inventory, Procurement User, and Sales Manager.
Table of Contents
Understand the Vendor Availability File
The Komet Sales app allows vendors to easily upload their product availability using a CSV File Extension, which is called the Vendor Availability File.
Any other File Extension, such as XLS, XLSX, or XML, will not work.
The file format order should be as follows: vendorId, productDescription, availableFrom, quantityUnits, unitType, postHarvest, category, color, unitCost, stems/Bunch, tag; and the comma should separate each data point.
Start placing all the products in Column A, beginning from the first row and going down.
To learn more about the required format information, read the following:
vendorId. This is actually the MainVendorID, an internal and unique ID provided by Komet's Support Team that users cannot access directly.
productDescription. A concise and understandable product description that covers what is and its features.
availableFrom (yyyy-mm-dd). The estimated date of shipment based on the selected "Available From" option for the product, either from the Vendor or the Warehouse.
quantityUnits. The number of units available.
unitType. The product's unit type can be either Stem or Bunch, with the first letter capitalized.
postHarvest (optional). The name or postharvest number of the product.
category. The name of the class, type, or condition of a product.
color. The name of the Color of the product.
unitCost. The price of producing a single unit of the product.
stems/Bunch (optional). The number of stems included in one bunch of the product.
tag (optional). A word or phrase that helps to locate it easily.
Now that you have all the necessary data, here's an example of how to enter the product information line in the file
111,Roses Bicolor Free Spirit 40 Cm,2023-10-3,100,Bunch,ph1,Roses,Bicolor,1.1,,TAG-BFS
To skip optional data, add an extra comma to move on. In the previous example, we left out stems/Bunch info, resulting in a double comma between unitCost (1.1) and tag (TAG-BFS).
Upload the Vendor Availability File
To upload the Vendor Availability File, do the following instructions:
Go to Inventory and select the Add Inventory tab.
Select the Vendor Units Availability link.
You must enable the Vendor Availability option to view the Vendor Units Availability link.
Download a sample of the CSV file from the here link.
Add the products per line to the file, separating each product data by a comma (,).
To know how, read the Upload the Vendor Availability File | Understand the Vendor Availability File [inlineExtension] section.Drag and drop your file into the designated box or click to upload.
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