K2K Procurement for Customers


Buyer Companies connected through K2K with other companies will be able to automatically transfer their product needs. This article explains how this process works for them.


Mapping Process

Mapping your carriers, box types, categories and products allows Komet to apply a universal naming convention when it presents information to the other stakeholders in the K2K Network.  This will improve the flow of information and avoid confusion with your K2K Connections. Read Carriers MappingBox Types Mapping and Categories Mapping for more information.



Orders Shipped Directly from the Vendor Company

If the Prebook created and later transferred to the Vendor Company as a PO is farm direct (Ship Via Grower), the system will autoconfirm the products from your Staging Area, also, the carrier will be transferred from your company to the vendor company provided that it has been mapped from both companies.

The system allows you (with previous agreement with your Vendor Company) to activate an option named Bill To Final Customer. When this option is enabled, prebooks and POs marked as Ship Via Grower (farm direct) will be transferred and billed in the Vendor Company for the final customer instead of the Buyer Company. In case you want to have this option enabled, please contact us.

K2K Settings

Buyer Companies have the possibility of activating a setting to make the prices of K2K products equal to their landed cost.

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