Ship Via Option
The Ship Via option determines from where the product will be shipped. There are three options available: Grower, Warehouse, and Warehouse Cross-Dock. This article explains each option in detail.
User roles: Admin, Allocations, Procurement Manager, Sales, and Sales Manager.
Ship Via for E-commerce
The system allows to select a Ship Via option for each Customer on e-commerce; read Vendor Availability Ship Via for further information.
Table of Contents
Ship Via Grower
This option is for orders shipped directly from the Vendor to the final Customer.Ā This option is available for Prebooks and Standing Orders, and you will find it on the edition screen for both options or right when creating a new Prebook or Standing Order.
If this option is selected, the system will not consider the AWB freight, handling, and inbound truck freight costs for the landed cost calculation of the suggested selling price. The system will only consider the flower cost and the GPM.
When the Ship Via grower option is selected, the system will not consider the Port of Origin or the Vendor Shipping Schedule for calculating the Ship Date. The Ship Date must be the same as the Prebook Truck Date since the product will be shipped directly to the final Customer.
Buyers will be able to identify orders from the Bulk Purchasing Mode with the Ship Via filter:
In addition, the Vendor will be able to view the following information from the Confirm POs tab:
Customer Name.
Customer Shipping address.
Customer Code.
This information will be printed on the Shipping Labels and the Purchase Order PDF file.
The system will automatically mark boxes sent directly from the Vendor to the Customer as "SW" (Shipped Warehouse) right after they're added to the AWB. You can view these changes under Tracking > AWB Summary.
Ship Via WarehouseĀ
Shipping items via warehouse means that the Vendor sends these items to any of the importer's warehouse locations; these items will be processed through the inventory and shipped to the final Customer from the warehouse. This process has no unique markings on the product, labels, or printed documents.
Ship Via Warehouse Cross-Dock
Cross docking is a logistics service that involves transferring incoming goods directly to outbound vehicles without intermediate storage; this helps to reduce handling time and streamline the supply chain.
To display and select this option, you must first enable the Enable Cross-Dock Shipping setting from the Ship Via Options. Read Inventory Settings: Ship Via Options.
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Inventory Settings: Ship Via Options (Knowledge Base)
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