Change the Master AWB

Change the Master AWB

Use this method to change the Master AWB for a set of boxes in the Staging Area.

Valid Tokens: Company.

When using this method, the system automatically recalculates the freight, handling, and duties using the existing values from the Financial Settings (Setup > Settings > Financial Settings).

The system will update the landed cost using these new calculations.

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URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/box.move.awb

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters.

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

awb (required)(string:50)

The Master AWB number that will be assigned to the boxes

Format: ###-####-####

shipDate (required)(date)

The AWB shipping date. If the AWB already has a ship date it will be replaced with this new date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

boxCodes (required)(string)

The product box codes. Must be separated by commas with no blank spaces in between.

companyLocationId (optional)(integer:20)

The Komet Sales internal Location ID. Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

You can get this value from the location.list API method.

https://api.kometsales.com/api/box.move.awb?authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here&awb=0981-0621-999& shipDate=2020-06-21&boxCodes=KS244894880,KS244894881


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

failedBoxes (array)

An array of boxes that could not be moved by box code.

{ "status": "1", "message": "OK", "failedBoxes": [ "KS265577", "KS455589" ] }


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