Cargo Master Integration

Cargo Master Integration

With the Cargo Master Integration, you can integrate your Komet Sales Account to Cargo Master to automatize the creation of AWBs and make the reservations on the cargo agent system when you send the Purchase Order to your Vendors.

Enable the Integration

Step one: Set up the Cargo Master Integration

In order to get Cargo Master integrated with Komet Sales, the administrator user will need to contact Cargo Master Support to request a username and password.

  1. Cargo Master will need the following details to process this request: The name of the company making the request, the importers it works with, the vendors and the functionalities that the company needs. For example, Generate Labels, send PO'S, etc.

  2. Cargo Master will send the username, password and importer code.

  3. Once logged in, Go to Setup > Settings > Integrations > Cargo Master Settings.

  4.  A new window will be displayed where the user can enter the login details provided by Cargo Master and select whether PO's should be sent manually or automatically to Cargo Master.

  5. Click on Save.

Your Company is now linked to Cargo Master.

Each Vendor needs a unique Cargo Master Code. After setting up the integration you will need to add the code to each Vendor. This code is provided by Cargo Master.

Step two: Add the Cargo Master Codes to your Vendors

Once Cargo Master is integrated with Komet Sales, each vendor that ships with Cargo Master will need the corresponding Cargo Master code setup in Komet.

To set the Cargo Master Code of a Vendor, do the following instructions:

  1. Go To Setup and select Vendors.

  2. Select the Vendor you are editing.

  3. Click on Edit from the Actions column.

  4. Enter the vendor's code provided by Cargo Master in the Cargo Master Code field.

  5. Click on Save.

If you do not see the Cargo Master Code field in the Vendor Information, do step one.

Step three: Create AWBs for Cargo Master

Once Komet Sales is integrated with Cargo Master, the information of AWBs and House AWBs will be automatically transferred into Komet Sales via the API and associated with specific vendors and locations. Vendors only need to select the AWB and the house AWB from a list when they create a new AWB.


  • The House AWB will be associated with a particular vendor, company, and location (if applicable).

  • Some of your vendors may be integrated with Cargo Master. If this is the case, you cannot manually enter the AWB, and the house will be mandatory.

  • If you, as a company, are integrated with Cargo Master, your vendors cannot enter the AWBs manually, and the House AWBs will be required.

  • Once an AWB is associated with a House AWB, users will not be able to modify them.


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