Get a detailed Pick Ticket list

Get a detailed Pick Ticket list

Use this method to get a detailed list of Pick Tickets.

Valid Tokens: Company.

You can send parameters such as the status, customer, customerId and product in order to filter the results.

When you use filters, take the following statements into account:

  • Filtering by status, carrierId or customerId the system uses an exact match.

  • Filtering by customer and product uses a "LIKE" expression.

  • When you use orderDate as a filter, the system will ignore the orderDateFrom and orderDateTo parameters.

  • If you send the orderId, date filters are not required.

  • Filters are not case sensitive.

Table of Contents


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/pickticket.details.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Params

Input Parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

orderDate (required if orderDateFrom, orderDateTo or orderId are not sent)(date)

Order shipping date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

orderDateFrom (required if orderDate or orderId are not sent)(date)

Shipping date from.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD 

The date range must not exceed seven days.

orderDateTo (required if orderDate or orderId are not sent)(date)

Shipping date to.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD 

The date range must not exceed seven days.

status (optional)(integer:1)

Order status.

Valid values: 0 = Pending Approval | 1 = Confirmed | 4 = Voided

If you don’t use this filter, the system will return only active orders from the specified orderDate.

customer (optional)(string:200)

Customer name or code.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

customerId (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

carrierName (optional)(string:200)

Carrier name.

carrierId (optional)(integer:20)

Carrier ID.

You can get this value from the carrier.list API method.

product (optional)(string:200)

Product description.

order (optional)(integer:10)

Order number.

orderId (optional)(integer:10)

Komet Sales internal Order ID.

locationId (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.

updatedAsOf (optional)(datetime)

Return only transactions that were updated since the specified date and time.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

Time must be in the EST time zone. 

confirmedAsOf (optional)(datetime) 

Return only transactions that were confirmed since the specified date and time.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

Time must be in the EST time zone.

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https://api.kometsales.com/api/pickticket.details.list? authenticationToken={do4kcia6r3vldn5uqxym6ria72}&orderDateFrom={2021-02-12}&orderDateTo={2021-02-19}


picktickets (array)

An array containing orders.

id (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal invoice ID.

customerId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Customer ID.

customerName (string:200)

Customer name.

number (integer:10)

Invoice number.

billCity (string:200)

Billing address city.

billState (string:200)

Billing address state.

billAddress (string:200):

Billing address street.

billZipCode (string:10)

Billing address ZIP code.

billCountry (string:200)

Billing address country.

shipAddress (string:200)

Ship To address street.

shipZipCode (string:10)

Ship To address zip code.

shipCountry (string:200)

Ship To address country.

shipCity (string:200)

Ship To address city.

shipState (string:200)

Ship To address State.

shipName (string:200)

Ship To name.

shipDate (date)

Order shipping date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

locationId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.


Location name.

carrierId (integer:20)

Carrier Komet Sales internal ID.

carrierName (string:200)

Carrier name.

carrierCode (string:20)

Carrier code.

salesPersonId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal salesperson ID.

salesPersonName (string:200)

Salesperson name.

customerPONumber (string:20)

Customer PO#.

totalBoxes (integer:10)

Total boxes.

status (string:20)

Status of the order.

Valid values: Draft | Pending Approval | Confirmed | Voided

countConfirmed (integer:10)

Number of times that the order has been confirmed.

confirmedOn (datetime)

Date when the salesperson confirmed the order.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

isEcommerce (string:3)

If the order comes from the E-Commerce.

Valid values: Yes or No

orderRef (string:20)

Order reference number.

createdOn (datetime)

Date when the order was created.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

updatedOn (date)

Date when the list was last updated.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss

truckDate (date)

Order truck date. This field is calculated based on the order ship date and the transit days set up for this customer. If the customer does not have Transit Days set up, this date is the same as the Ship Date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

carrierAccount (string:20)

Carrier account number.

armelliniShipperAccount (string:20)

Customer’s Shipper Account.

shipToId (required)(integer:20)

Ship To ID of the order.

totalFBE (decimal)(10,2)

Total Full Box Equivalent.

pullerId (integer)

ID number of the pulling staff.

pullerName (string)

Name of the pulling staff.

pullerAssignedOn (date)

Date when the puller was assigned.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

The time is in the EST time zone. 

lastBoxScannedOn (date)

Date when the box was scanned the last time.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

The time is in the EST time zone.

details (array)

An array of order details.

detailId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Order Line ID.

awb (string:20)

AWB number or shipment reference number.

ref (string:20)

Reference number of the product line.

productId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Product ID.

productDescription (string:200)

Product description.

vendorId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Vendor ID.

vendorName (string:200)

Vendor name.

totalBoxes (integer:10)

Number of boxes in the product line.

boxTypeId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Box Type ID.

boxType (string:3)

Box type code.

salesType (string:1)

Order type.

Valid values: M = Open Market | P = Prebook | S = Standing Order | L = Local

units (integer:10)

Units per Box.

unitType (string:10)

Stem or Bunch.

totalUnits (integer:10)

Total units in the product line.

bunchesBox (integer:10)

Bunches per Box.

stemsBunch (integer:10)

Stems per Bunch.

markCode (string:50)

Mark code.

warehouseNotes (string:200)

Additional notes or label instructions.

unitPrice (decimal:10,3)

Unit price of the product.

This value is only available when the Ship Country is Canada. 

shipVia (string:50)

Order Ship Via.

Valid values: WH Cross-Dock, Grower, or Warehouse.

boxes (array)

An array of boxes.

detailId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Order Line ID.

boxCode (string:10)

Box code or Box number.

lotNumber (string)

Lot number.

position (string:5)

Rack position or location.

statusId (integer:20)

Status Komet Sales internal ID.

statusName (string:20)

Status name: Farm Shipped, Received Warehouse, Shipped Warehouse

length (decimal:10,3)

Box length in inches. 

width (decimal:10,3)

Box width in inches.  

height (decimal:10,3)

Box height in inches.  

fbe (decimal:3)

Full box equivalence.

prefixShippingCode (string:1)

Random letter that is used to identify the shipping labels.

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

status (integer:1)

Transaction status. 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

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{ "picktickets": [ { "id": 454423, "customerId": "25475", "customerName": "2-14 ENTERPRISES BRIDAL CAKES", "number": "7120", "billCity": "ZION", "billState": "IL", "billAddress": "2635 SHERRY RD ", "billZipCode": "60099", "billCountry": "USA", "shipAddress": "2635 SHERRY RD ", "shipZipcode": "60099", "shipCountry": "USA", "shipCity": "ZION", "shipState": "IL", "shipName": "2-14 ENTERPRISES", "shipDate": "2021-02-18", "locationId": "", "locationName": "", "carrierId": 1204, "carrierName": "Armellini", "carrierCode": "AR", "salesPersonId": "1819", "salesPersonName": "Lance Bossard", "customerPONumber": null, "totalBoxes": 14, "status": "Pending", "countConfirmed": 0, "confirmedOn": "", "isEcommerce": "No", "orderRef": "", "createdOn": "2021-02-18T17:00:52", "updatedOn": "2021-02-18T17:04:57", "truckDate": "2021-02-18", "carrierAccount": "", "armelliniShipperAccount": "", "shiptoId": null, "totalFBE": "14.7", "pullerId": "1313", "pullerName": "Andres", "pullerAssignedOn": "2022-03-01T16:19:59" "details": [ { "detailId": 915413, "awb": "111-2020-0001", "ref": null, "productId": 235162, "productDescription": "E-Commerce Assorted", "vendorId": 29227, "vendorName": "Agro Flores", "totalBoxes": 8, "boxTypeId": 900, "boxType": "FB", "salesType": "P", "units": 2, "unitType": "Bunch", "totalUnits": 16.0, "bunchesBox": 2, "stemsBunch": 2, "markCode": "", "warehouseNotes": "", "unitPrice": null, "shipVia":"Warehouse", "boxes": [ { "detailId": 915413, "boxCode": "SK4352975", "lotNumber": "15045", "position": "", "statusId": 1, "statusName": "Farm Shipped", "length": "", "width": "", "height": "", "fbe": "1.000", "prefixShippingCode": "C" } ] } ] } ], "message": "OK", "status": 1 }



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