Sell products in Bunches from the E-Commerce

With this setting, you can sell products from the On-Hand Inventory in Bunches from your E-Commerce. When you use this setting, the system will only take open boxes into account for selling Units.

User Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin and Setup.

This feature only works for Fresh Cut products.

Enable the Sell by Bunches Setting

To sell products bunches from your E-Commerce, do the following steps:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on E-Commerce Settings from the E-Commerce group.

  3. Click on the checkbox next to Sell Products by Bunches to enable the setting.

  4. Click on Save to store the changes.

To use this setting, your company must have the Sell by Units setting enabled. To learn more, read

To enable selling by bunches, go to Setup>Settings>E-Commerce Settings.

Bunches Held in Reserve

You can assign a specific amount that the system will hide from E-Commerce to save them as a reserve that helps you guarantee a product’s availability.

By enabling this setting, you will always have bunches to fulfill every order.

E-Commerce View

When you enable selling by bunches, your E-Commerce customers will see a new tab where they can select products in bunches.

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