Customize the E-commerce Header

Customize the E-commerce Header

In this article, you will learn how to customize the E-commerce Header for your e-commerce site.

Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin.

The change applies only to your e-commerce and will not affect your company's main header. If you want to change the company header, read Customize the Company Header and Logo.

Image Requirements for E-commerce Header

To customize the header with something more than a solid color, we recommend designing your own image. For this, keep the following requirements in mind:

  • The header design must be 3840 * 152 pixels and cannot exceed 1 MB.

  • If you want to display your company's logo, it must be 320 * 70 pixels, and we recommend placing it 96 pixels away from the left edge of your design to guarantee that no button overlaps above your logo.




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Upload the E-commerce Header

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. In the E-commerce section, click on E-commerce Header.

  3. Choose between personalizing the Header Color, the Header Image, or both.
    Remember, the image should match with the header color.

  4. Click Save & Close.

Choosing a color that complements your brand or e-commerce header design is important, especially since it fills the row where the navigation menu sits.

Upload the E-commerce Header.gif

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