Create a K2K Connection

Create a K2K Connection

In this article you will learn how to create a K2K Connection and send the request to the other company.

Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin and Setup.

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Create a K2K Connection

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on K2K Connections in the K2K group.

  3. Click on the New Vendor Connection green button. To create a new connection you need the other Vendor’s Company ID.

  4. Input the Company ID of the Vendor you want to connect with on the first field.

  5. Enter the name you use in your system for this Vendor on the second field.

  6. Click on Next.

  7. Select the Location of the connection.

  8. Click on Next.

  9. Select the Carriers for each Vendor Ship Day from the dropdown menus in the Carrier column.

  10. Input your Days in Transit to align your Local Ship Days with your Vendor’s Ship Days in the Days in Transit column.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Review the Currency that will be used for Purchase Orders with this Vendor. If you want to use a different currency, please contact your Vendor.

  13. Click on Next.

  14. Add the email addresses that will be notified about this connection.


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