Review K2K Connections

In this article you will learn how to access the K2K Connections screen, and review and manage your connections.

Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin and Setup.

In order to see your K2K Active, Pending or In Progress connections, please follow these instructions:


  1. Go to setup and select settings.

  2. Click on Connections from the K2K group of settings.

info: From this screen you can review, accept, remove, and edit each connection.


This column will show the name of the organization you have or will stablish a connection to. 


This column will show the role with the organzation regarding this line connection.


This column will show the current status of your connection:

  • Active: The connection is already stablished and you will be able to use it.

  • Pending: The connection was requested and is pending for approval

  • In progress: The connection was approved and is being setup


This drop-down menu will allow you to:

  • Edit: Edit a connection

  • Details: See details regarding this connection

  • Accept: Accept a connection

  • Reject: Reject a connection

  • Suspend: Suspend or pause a connection


You can use the Search button to search through your connections
