Change Allocations from the Bulk Purchasing Mode

Change Allocations from the Bulk Purchasing Mode


The system allows procurement users to change allocations from the Bulk Purchasing Mode. This article explains how this option works.

Important Considerations

  • This option is only available for PO items already confirmed.
  • For items in units, the system will allow to update and delete quantities.
  • For items in boxes, the system will only allow to delete the allocations.
  • If the Products of the PO have already been confirmed from the Staging Area, the system will not allow to perform any change in the Allocations.

Instructions to Reallocate Items

How to Delete an Allocation

This option is allowed for items either in boxes and units. To delete an allocation, follow the previous instructions and in the Current Allocations sections, go to the Actions column and click on Delete. A confirmation will appear, and once you click on Yes, Continue, the system will ask you if you want to delete the items also from the Prebook.


If the Prebook items are associated to another PO, the system will reduce the quantities of the Prebook.

How to Perform New Allocations


If the settings

The system also allows to perform allocations from the same screen provided that there are still units available to assign to another Prebook. To do so, go to the New Allocations section and enter the information of the Prebook click on Add once you're done. The system will add the line to an existing Prebook with the same information or will create a new one.

The system will only list the customers with the setting Show on New Allocation screen enabled.

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