Purchase Orders Based on Prebooks in Units

Purchase Orders Based on Prebooks in Units


Once a Prebook is created it becomes a "Purchase Need" until it is added to a Purchase Order. Prebooks in units are not the exception, but they work a bit different from regular Prebooks. Keep in mind that this process can only be done from the Bulk Purchasing Mode.

In order to create Purchase Orders from prebooks in units follow the steps below:

Creating a Purchase Order

Open Market Additions

When purchasing for items sold by the unit the user can increase the total amount of Units to Purchase based on the company's current need of this same product for their Units Open Market Inventory. The system will automatically take the updated Units to Purchase amount, including what's needed for Open Market, and once the purchase order is  shipped and received Komet Sales will reserve what was pre-sold under a Prebook in Units and invoice it, and then will release to Units Open Market Inventory the additional units ordered. 

How this works:

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