Settings - Prebooks & SOs

Settings - Prebooks & SOs


Prebooks and Standing Orders can be customized to fit your business needs. This article goes through the Prebook & SOs Settings and explains what they can do and how you can use them to improve your sales process and enhance communication between the Sales and Procurement departments.

Table of Contents

Open Prebooks & SOs Settings

Prebooks and SOs Settings are in the Setup tab. To access them, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings; locate the Prebooks & SOs section.
  2. Select the settings you want to modify.
  3. Apply your settings and then click Save to store the changes

Prebook Settings

Here is the description of each setting in detail:

  • Truck Day Offset Value. Activating this option restricts the creation of new Prebook Orders with a Truck Date lower than or equal to the offset value entered. This setting does not affect Administrators or Management users.
  • Allow changes on the Prebook Date up to ___ days in advance.  This option prevents changes on the Prebook Date once the specified number of days begins.
  • Allow users to set the costs on Prebook items. Activating this option allows Salespeople to enter the Unit Cost on Prebook items. If activated, the system displays the option to input exceptions for particular users.
  • Automatically assign the user as Salesperson.  Activating this option connects the logged user as a Salesperson on every created order.
  • Allow Salespeople to change the Salesperson of an order. Activating this option allows Salespeople to modify a Salesperson within a Prebook Order.
  • Allow users to place Prebook Items on hold. Activating this option allows a Salesperson to place Prebook Items on hold. When this option is activated, the system allows the selection of user roles that can put Prebooks on hold. For more information on this setting, go to How to hold a Prebook Item.
  • Allow Salespeople to choose a Price List for a Prebook. Activating this option allows Salespeople to select a Price List for the Prebook.
  • Allow Salespeople to edit Prebooks after Purchase Order is issued.  Activating this option allows Salespeople to edit Prebook information at any time before the Vendor confirms the Purchase Order.
  • Hide product Ship Date. Activating this option hides the Vendor Ship Date on the Prebook Order Details screen. 

Multi-Location Companies

Multi-Location Companies have additional settings; learn more in Prebook Settings - Multiple Locations.

Standing Order Settings

Here is the description of each setting in detail:

  • Automatically create Prebooks and Future Sales Purchase Orders based on Standing Orders.
  • Select the number of days before the Truck Date when Prebooks and Future Sales Purchase Orders are created.
  • Automatic creation of Purchase Orders from Standing Orders.
    • Status requirement. Approved or Confirmed.
    • E-mail notification. Automatic or Manual.
  • Create Purchase Orders regardless of Standing Order completion.
  • Manage Ports. Add, edit, and remove ports where the shipments are originated to enable the system to calculate the Grower Ship Date. 
  • Associate the logged user as a Salesperson. Register the user creating a Standing Order as the Salesperson of the Order.
  • Allow Salespeople to change the Salesperson of the Order. Enable Salespeople to modify the Salesperson in a Standing Order.
  • Notify Standing Order changes. Notify via E-mail every change made to a Standing Order.
  • Send notifications to. Add extra recipients that will receive information about changes made to Standing Orders.
  • Reply notifications to. Enter the recipient of replies sent to the notification E-mails. 
  • Always notify when a Standing Order is modified. The system will always notify the Vendor and the receivers specified above when a Standing Order is modified.

Prebook Status

A Prebook Status helps you quickly identify a Prebook's condition through your sales process. You can add all the statuses you need to track orders when you enable this setting. You can create, activate, deactivate, edit, and delete Prebook status from this setting.

Order Sources

Order Sources help you identify where a product in a Sales Order is coming from. You can add, edit, or remove sources on this setting, or you can use the Default Order Sources. 

Default Order Sources

The Default Order Sources are the following:

  • SO. Products coming from Standing Orders.
  • VA. Products coming from Vendor Availability.
  • K2K. Products coming from K2K integrations.
  • WOH. Products from a Web Order coming from e-commerce On Hand.
  • WFS. Products from a Web Order coming from e-commerce Future Sales.
  • WK2K. Products from a Web Order coming from e-commerce Komet to Komet.
  • WVA. Products from a Web Order coming from e-commerce Vendor Availability.

When this setting is enabled, users creating orders will be required to select the source when adding or editing products from an Order.

Roles enabled to modify settings: Administrator

  • Page:
    FAQs - Master Standing Orders (Knowledge Base) — In this article, you will find frequently asked questions about Master Standing Orders (Master SO) and Standing Order Prebooks (SO/Prebooks).

    If you want to learn more about this feature, read Edit Master Standing Orders and SO/Prebooks.

  • Page:
    Settings (Knowledge Base) — Depending on your operation, you can set the system to work the way you want it to. Enabling the automatic process for billing, standing orders, invoice delivering, among others will definitely save you a lot of time.

    Find out how this section can improve the way you operate!

  • Page:
    Create a Standing Order (Knowledge Base) — In this article you will learn how to create Standing Orders and add products to them.

    User Roles: Admin, Sales Manager, Sales, Procurement Manager, and Allocations.

  • Page:
    Standing Orders (Knowledge Base) — Do you have customers that order the same products everytime? Then you will love Standing Orders. A Standing Order (SO) works like a template that automatically creates Prebooks and Purchase Orders.

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  • Page:
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