Order Sources

Order Sources


Admin users will be able to set sources for your orders. This article explains how to activate this option so the sales team can start adding order sources to their orders.

Where Will Order Sources be Visible?

  • Order sources (name and code) will be visible for prebooks and sales orders.
  • Salespeople will be able to select the order sources you add from this setting while adding and editing orders and prebooks.
  • When the Order Source setting is enabled, order source will be mandatory while adding products in units, boxes or from Future Sales Inventory to orders and prebooks.



How to Edit or Delete an Order Source

To edit or delete an order source, follow the next instructions.


  • Keep in mind that you can only delete order sources that have not been used yet.
  • If you edit an order source, products with that order source won't be updated. This process should be carried out manually.

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