Direct Customer CRM Account Access

Direct Customer CRM Account Access

In this article you will learn how to manage the customer-specific CRM link for easy access to CRM information directly from the Komet Sales Customer account or during the invoice creation process.

User Roles: Admin and Setup.

Step One: Enable CRM Options

To enable CRM links, do the following steps: 

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings

  2. Click on CRM Options from the Customers group of settings.

  3. Click on the Enable checkbox.

  4. Enter the CRM Name

  5. Click on Save

Once you enable this setting, the option to add a customer’s CRM will become available from the advanced customer setup. To learn more read the next step. 

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To add a customer’s CRM, enable first the CRM Options setting from the Customer Settings.

Step Two: Add a Customer’s CRM Link

Each customer can have a unique CRM link, and you need to add it from the customer's advanced setup.

To add a customer’s CRM link, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Customers.

  2. Search the customer.

  3. Click on Edit from the Actions column.

  4. Click on Advanced in the Setup tab in the Customer Information modal.

  5. Enter the link in the Salesforce link field.

  6. Click on Save.

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Add the Customer’s CRM link from the Advanced Customer Setup.

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