FAQs - Sell by the Bunch

FAQs - Sell by the Bunch


 This article explains some frequently asked question on the sell by the bunch feature.


Make sure that the Sell by the bunch option is enabled per company and for each location (in the case of multilocation companies).

My products are not being displayed by the bunch. What should I do?

Your future sales products will be published in your e-commerce as soon as your vendor confirms the Purchase Order for the future sales customer. However, some settings may prevent your products from being displayed in your e-commerce either partially or totally. The next table illustrates some settings that you should keep in mind to make sure your inventory is displayed properly by the bunch.

Settings that must be enabled (tick)Settings that can affect the visibility of your products by the bunch  (warning)
Future Sales When the Don't Open option is checked while creating a PO for future sales, the system will not display the products within that PO as available by the bunch.
Show Future Inventory (E-commerce settings)Boxes placed on hold from the inventory will not be visible for e-commerce buyers.
Sell by units

Sell by the Bunch in E-commerce (By the Komet Sales team) 

Enable sales of product in bunches

Can I sell products by stems?

Even if the default unit type of the products offered in your e-commerce is stems, the minimum sale unit is the bunch. In case a product with default unit type Stem is added to an order, the system will calculate the selling price of the bunch, based on the St/Bun as in the next example:

Does the system consolidate product in bunches in e-commerce?

When your products share the next information, they will be displayed in a single line in your e-commerce: product description, location (for multilocation companies), vendor, price, pack, unit type and Stem/Bunch.

Does the  inventory rotation work for items offered by the bunch?

It does. The system will add products to your customers' orders making sure that products with the highest aging (earlier arrival date) are sold first as well as bunches within boxes that are already being sold by the unit. The system will only pul products from complete boxes and mixed boxes when necessary.

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