Substitute Items from a PO as a Grower

Substitute Items from a PO as a Grower


The system allows Grower and Company users to substitute assorted items in a PO for items from Vendor Availability.This option is for growers and company users that need to substitute items on PO's using the Grower Portal in a Purchase Order with Assorted Composition when the Prebook was created using Vendor Availability items. Once the user creates the Prebook from the Vendor Availability, the system will automatically generate the Purchase Order as the vendor has the product available.

Add Breakdown from Vendor Availability


To have this option enabled:

  • Vendor users should have their availability uploaded.
  • For Company users, the company must enable the option to buy using Vendor Availability items.

When vendors need to make changes to the product breakdown on a PO, the system will show a link that will allow them to make changes using items from Vendor Availability. Please keep in mind that the Unit Type, the product, and date should match the Vendor Availability information.  


To make substitutions go to



If a Purchase Order is linked to a Prebook the user will be able to see the product that was substituted by hovering the mouse over the Subs link once the order is confirmed. However, if the Purchase Order is not linked to a Prebook the user will not be able to see the product change, but the farm can still add notes to inform the company about the change made when substituting the product.








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